Spectators in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania view a huge piñata made in an attempt to break the Guinness World record for world's largest piñata.
Nov 8, 2008
A zebra horse crossbreed named Eclyse
It looks as if someone tried to paint out a zebra’s stripes but ran out of white paint halfway through the job.
While most zebra-horse crossbreeds sport stripes across their entire body, Eclyse only has two such patches, on its face and rear.
The one-year-old filly was the accidental product of a holiday romance when her mother, Eclipse, was taken from her German safari park home to a ranch in Italy for a brief spell.
Nov 7, 2008
What happened to the Obama promise of change?
In one of his first acts since being elected president, Barack Obama called on two former Clinton administration staffers to head his transition team and serve as chief of staff.
Obama doesn't want to make the same mistakes Clinton made by not having enough experienced people on board. Obama needs seasoned hands who know Washington.
Using old Washington insiders is not change.
A cut above: Jay Cutler passes for 447 yards
Cutler ended the game with 447 passing yards.
The Bronco team, already decimated with injuries, was down to one fullback to carry the ball.
A look at liberal bias in the media
Syndicated columnist and author Cal Thomas (pictured) takes on liberal political bias in the media at the link below.
”...it's true that The Post, as well as much of the national news media, has written more stories and more favorable stories about Barack Obama than John McCain. Editors have their reasons for this, but conservatives are right that they often don't see their views reflected enough in the news pages.”
Some in the media don’t even realize the bias. To illustrate their denial, Mr Thomas says:
Larry King will assemble a “panel” of journalists to answer the question “Are the media biased?”
The journalists declare they are not and that is supposed to settle the matter. In only the rarest of cases are they confronted with their biases and held accountable.
You know things are bad when journalists begin admitting bias.
Columnist Michael Malone wrote on ABCNews.com that campaign coverage has been so biased, he is ashamed to tell people he is a journalist.
The Colorado Springs Gazette carried an opinion column about “The Death of Objectivity,” which criticized slanted coverage.
Nov 6, 2008
Conservatives should look on bright side…
Hammer & sickle flag at Obama celebration
As you watch the short video of the celebration outside the White House on election night, one of the revelers is waving a very large hammer and sickle flag of the defunct Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The following quote is from Power Line at the link below:
Reporters covering the scene were taken aback, but it was no fluke: at the antiwar marches that helped launch Obama as a national figure, Soviet flags, images of Che Guevara and other Communist placards and symbols were commonplace, as we and others documented at the time.
Most of these marches and rallies were organized by International ANSWER and other Communist groups. So it's not surprising that some of Obama's supporters take his pledge to "spread the wealth around" a little too literally.
Will Barack Obama be able to disassociate himself from the disreputable groups that have given him support during his campaign?
Stock market welcomes Obama win with biggest post-election drop ever!
The nearly 500 point drop marked Wall Street's biggest loss ever on the day after a presidential election.
Then on Thursday the Dow Jones industrial average tumbled again - this time more than 400 additional points as reported here.
The stock market often reacts to what it likes or fears from a new presidential administration. The stock market clearly is not comfortable with Obama and his economic plans.
Kerry seeking secretary of State appointment
Don’t look now, but isn’t that John Kerry (pictured) wanting to be Obama’s secretary of State?
Sen. John Kerry is actively seeking appointment as secretary of state in the Obama administration, according to Democratic Party sources.
Kerry certainly meets the extreme liberal qualification.
BB gun used in deodorant theft
Publix employees told Broward deputies that they saw two men shoplifting deodorant spray.
A manager caught up with 23-year-old David J. Mlynick at a store next door. When the manager asked Mlynick to return the deodorant, authorities say Mlynick pulled what looked like a black handgun.
Assuming it was a real gun, deputies closed off a nearby apartment complex and put a school on lock down. They also called in a helicopter and dogs to help with the search.
They eventually found Mlynick, who still had the deodorant and BB gun.
Robert Kennedy Jr in line for Obama Cabinet post?
Kennedy is an expert falconer and white-water rafter.
He has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box.
Kennedy gained Washington experience by fighting anti-environmental legislation in Congress in 1995 and 1996, when Newt Gingrich took over as House speaker.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is to be admired for kicking a drug habit and his valiant efforts to deal with his spasmodic dysphonia which gives him a stilted, strained voice.
If asked to serve on Obama’s Cabinet, will the media bring up Kennedy’s 1983 arrest in Rapid City, South Dakota for heroin possession? Probably not, even though the media widely publicized a DUI arrest of the husband of Sarah Palin which happened 25 years ago.
Link to the possible Kennedy appointment here.
Sarah Palin voting in Alaska
Jeans and a hoodie. No elitism here.
Nov 5, 2008
Palin plans to remain on national GOP stage
Even in defeat, John McCain bequeathed an invaluable gift to his running mate, Sarah Palin (pictured): the national prominence that could allow her to compete for the GOP’s presidential nomination in 2012.
While the Alaska governor avoided speculating on a future White House bid in recent interviews, she made it clear that she intends to remain an important player within the party.
The national following she has developed among the conservative faithful over the past couple of months provides her with the sort of political and fundraising base that could support a run.
Now that Palin is no longer a threat to Barack Obama, the media’s choice, she may be treated with the kindness she deserves.
After Bob Dole’s defeat in 2006, the media did a complete about face and began treating him with at least a modicum of civility.
Bank robber used a limousine as getaway car
Irving police said the on-the-lam suspect used a limousine as his getaway vehicle.
Police said a Comerica Bank branch was held up Friday, then the suspect jumped into the passenger side of a black limo, which sped away.
Police spokesman David Tull said the man escaped with an undisclosed amount of money.
Obama tabs Rahm Emanuel for White House chief of staff
Congressman Emanuel is a veteran of the Clinton White House.
Something to ponder…
The vice president elect is third-most liberal as ranked by the National Journal.
Biden is even ahead of No. 4, Bernie Sanders from Vermont who is an avowed Socialist.
Obama victory sparks cheers around the globe
Across the globe, people in city squares and living rooms, ballrooms and villages cheered the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president, raising hopes that America's first black commander in chief would herald a less confrontational America.
From now on America will no doubt be much less confrontational.
America will also be more vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
Talk about a strange election day story…
Go ahead and make your jokes about optical scans.
The nudists at Caliente Resort have asked Pasco County elections officials to set up a clothing-optional polling place for their community.
Brian Corley, Pasco's supervisor of elections, dismissed the request as a publicity stunt.
White lion
This is one of four white lions released into the Sanbona Game Reserve in South Africa.
The white lions were taken into captivity several years ago to protect them from poachers.
Under a multimillion dollar conservation project, the lions are now being reintroduced to the wild.
Nov 4, 2008
John McCain and Barack Obama cast their ballots
John McCain casting his ballot in Phoenix on left and on right Barack Obama is voting in Chicago.
Going for the Guinness World Record
He Pingping, the world's smallest man at 2 ft. 5 in. tall, poses with Svetlana Pankratova, who is the woman with the longest legs in the world at 4ft. 4 in., as they launch the 2009 edition of Guinness World Records at Trafalgar Square in London.
CNN caller: where in your report on Black Panther voter intimidation?
One of the men had a ‘billy club’ that he used to slap his palm in an intimidating manner.
The viewer called the CNN Helpline and asked why news of the Black Panther intimidation was not reported on CNN.
According to the caller he was going to vote for Obama until a friend told him about this incident. The caller said, "Now Fox has broadcast this, and I want to know why CNN has not broadcast this yet."
CNN is the network we used to refer to as the “Clinton News Network” all during the 1990’s. Now, however, CNN has turned its back on the Clinton’s and has been a huge supporter of Barack Obama.
CNN would be loathe to air anything that would put a cloud over the Obama campaign.
Link to the CNN caller story here. A video of the voter intimidating Black Panthers is here.
Virginia disallows military ballots: McCain camp sues
John McCain's presidential campaign filed a federal suit Monday against Virginia seeking to extend by 10 days the deadline for the state's acceptance of military members' federal absentee ballots.
The suit seeks an injunction to extend the date by which federal write-in absentee ballots must be received to be counted. The current deadline is today, but the suit seeks to have the date changed to Nov. 14.
"Because many counties in Virginia failed to mail absentee ballots in time to our men and women in uniform stationed overseas, service members are being disenfranchised because they are unable to return their ballots before the November 4 deadline," campaign spokeswoman Gail Gitcho said in a written statement about the suit, which is scheduled to be heard in Williams' courtroom at 1:30 p.m. today.
The attempt to disallow military ballots is no doubt prompted by the fact that an overwhelming majority of military of service people vote Republican.
Sarah Palin cleared in troopergate probe
The report from the board said, “There is no probable cause to believe that the governor, or any other state official, violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with these matters.”
A separate legislative investigation concluded that Governor Palin had abused her office.
Alaska State senator Hollis French (lower photo), a Democrat, led the legislative investigation.
Obama will buy her gas and pay her mortgage
Nov 3, 2008
Circuit City to close 155 stores
As the lights go out at about 20 percent of Circuit City's stores, the company is hoping that by closing hundreds of stores and cutting thousands of jobs it can survive consumers who are reluctant to spend and vendors less eager to give it credit.
Could bankruptcy be just around the corner for the nation's No. 2 consumer electronics retailer heading into a holiday shopping season that could determine its future.
Libya pays $1.5 Billion for US Victims of Pan Am 103
Libya deposited a total of $1.5 billion for American victims of Libyan bombings of Pan Am Flight 103 and the bombing of a German disco.
The photo shows some of the remains of Pan Am flight 103 in a field near Lockerbie Scotland. The plane was destroyed December 21, 1988.
Palin attacks Obama’s bankrupt coal industry plan
It’s a short tape and his plan is simple and strait forward - he will bankrupt the coal companies. Listen to the tape and decide for yourself.
Link here and here.
NY Times: McCain finds hope in Philadelphia
If Senator John McCain defies the polls and wins Pennsylvania, it will be in part because of voters like Harry Klemash, 67, a Democrat who supported Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primary but is still not comfortable with Senator Barack Obama.
"Obama has too many socialist policies, and he doesn’t have enough experience," Mr. Klemash, a retired pressman, said Sunday as he walked his miniature poodle in Marconi Park in South Philadelphia, a largely white, Catholic, ethnic neighborhood.
The chairman of the state Republican Party said they can carry four to six wards this year. Four years ago they carried none.
In South Philadelphia, McCain signs have cropped up in the windows of the low brick houses and on the postage-stamp front yards.
Obama is likely to significantly underperform Kerry and Gore in those white row-house wards.
In 2004, Senator John Kerry, the Democrat, won about 80 percent of the vote in Philadelphia, beating President Bush by 412,000 votes here. But Mr. Kerry won the state by only 144,000 votes.
Obama has a double digit lead in Pennsylvania so why is Mr. Biden planning on making appearances in the state the last day before the elections? Does the Obama campaign suspect flawed polling data?
Nov 2, 2008
Shock audio! Obama will bankrupt coal companies
As the graph shows, 49% of the electricity generated in the United States was by coal-fired generating plants. When Obama has finished bankrupting the coal industry, how many of us will be without power? If we do have access to electricity, how much will it cost?
This could have an even more devastating affect on coal producing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Indiana, West Virginia, Wyoming, Colorado and others.
This may just be the start of radical green liberalism under Obama and all because coal burns co2.
Coal official shocked by Barack Obama’s plan to bankrupt the industry.
Calls and e-mails to West Virginia Obama campaign officials seeking comment for this story were not returned as of Sunday evening.
Piper Palin hands out Halloween candy
Piper Palin, daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, hands out Halloween candy on the Palin campaign plane.
What to make of polls that are polls apart
The first thing to consider is the sampling base. Are they made up of “likely voters” or “registered voters?” How many Republicans are in the sample? How many Democrats?
As we have reported in the past, some polls sample more Democrats than Republicans. These are “push polls.” The Washington Post, New York Times and Newsweek often use up to 10% or more Democrats in their sampling base insuring that the Democratic candidate comes out on top.
This year there is another reason for over-sampling Democrats. It’s because of the fictitious and fraudulent registrations by groups like ACORN. They register large numbers of non-existent Democrat voters. The polls then sample people based on that percentage, and report that Obama is leading.
The reason stated in the previous paragraph is alarming to the Obama campaign because it means that there are a lot of real Democrats that plan on voting for McCain.
There are other reasons why this election is more difficult to predict than previous presidential elections.
Listed below are a few things to consider this year when attempting to predict the election outcome:
1. How many black Republicans will vote for Obama because of race?
2. How many voters, regardless of their party affiliation, simply will not vote for a black man to be their president. Much has been said about the Bradley effect, which is the theory that white people tell pollsters they'll vote for a black candidate like Barack Obama but, once in the voting booth, will actually vote for a white person like John McCain.
3. How many Republican males will not vote the McCain - Palin ticket because they are Chauvinistic and won’t vote for a female vice president?
4. How many Catholic Democrats will follow their Bishop’s order and not vote for the pro-abortion Obama?
5. How many Jewish Democrats will not vote for Obama because of his (mostly hidden) pro-Arab leanings?
6. And don’t forget the Joe the Plumber effect. He alerted untold numbers of Americans to Obama’s Socialist agenda.
7. How many young people will actually vote. It is “hip” to wear Obama shirts on campus, but in the past only a small percent of them will vote.
8. And then there is the usual effort by an ever-increasing number of Democrat activists who vote dead people and other acts of voter fraud. This year the pro-Democrat group ACORN is working even harder to perpetrate voter fraud.
Link to polls here.
Prince Charles going green in Wales
Charles, Prince of Wales, disembarks from a train at Ebbw Vale Station in Wales.
What? No helicopter or chauffeured limousine?