The Democrats recruited candidates in the recent election who were mostly non-political. With no political background, it’s hard to know how they will vote on the issues.
It was easy for them to tell voters what they want to hear with no congressional voting record to hold them accountable.
That’s the beauty of the Democrats strategy. All the new recruits had to do was act like conservatives and they won easy victories in a climate of disillusionment with Bush and Iraq.
Their strategy of recruiting political opposites just to regain control of congress may backfire long before the next House election in two years.

In a puzzling move, the Democratic leadership asked former South Dakota Senator George McGovern (pictured) to make a speech to Democratic congrssmen urging the immediate pull-out from Iraq.
Is this an attempt to influence the newly elected congressmen? How many of them have even heard of McGovern?
If they are students of American political history they will know that the 84-year-old former Senator from South Dakota was a miserable failure as a presidential candidate.
McGovern is a true war hero. He flew 35 missions over Germany as a B-24 pilot in WWII. But what can he offer now with his dismal political record?
McGovern’s 60%–38% loss to Richard Nixon in 1972 tells the story of his lack of political skills. In losing to Nixon, McGovern lost in the Electoral College tally 520 to 17, which is downright embarrassing.
He didn’t even win his home state of South Dakota!
What, if anything, could the 84-year-old former Senator contribute to the Democratic Party now?
For one thing, McGovern could bring back his demogrant program for a guaranteed minimum income of $6,500 for all Americans (that was in 1972 dollars!).
Actually, the McGovern demogrant wealth distribution program of 1972 may play well with the far-left Democratic leadership in Washington. They have wanted to push us closer to socialism and the old McGovern plan would do it.
How would they finance the wealth distribution program? Raise taxes, of course.
here to the current McGovern influence peddling.