Is he a burglar or just someone wanting a gymnastics workout. He’ll probably tell the cops he locked himself out the house.
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"Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
Thomas Jefferson"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
Thomas Jefferson
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
Thomas Jefferson
And finally, an analogy that has become more prophetic with each generation:
"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe."
Thomas Jefferson
Attendees were respectfully angry with more government and less liberty. It was not what CNN and MSNBC would have us believe. Anderson Cooper, who usually doesn’t know what to say without a script in his teleprompter, mocked the participants.
When Cooper was asked why the protestors were not ranting and raving, all he could say was “they can’t talk with tea bags in their mouths.”
Cooper’s comment spoke volumes about the mentality of the personalities appearing on CNN.
It was truly a grass roots movement carried out by people making posters on their kitchen tables with no mass-produced signs that are typically handed out at rallies by unions or political parties. Most were posterboard and magic marker on a yardstick.
Signs included: Spread my Work Ethic, Not my Wealth and Stop the War on Success. A child held a sign saying: Please don’t redistribute my video games!.
Left-wing liberals and main-stream media are puzzled and disturbed because there is no clear 'leader' of this movement - no conservative politician to blame. Whenever a local politician spoke the comments were not “anti-Obama.” It was “anti-federal spending and big government and the resultant higher taxes to pay for it all.”
What frightens the administration is this is truly a movement of the American people that must be stopped.
In Washington, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano introduced James Carville (pictured) today as the new Right Wing Extremism Threat Assessment Czar.
"Dr. Carville has an unparalleled understanding of the danger the right poses to President Obama’s vision of America," Napolitano said. "He will work with AG Holder and Democratic Attorneys General across the country to ferret out and expose subversion masquerading as dissent."
So, who are these people the administration calls “extremists masquerading as dissenters?”
They are “rank and file” America. Folks that get up early, send their kids off to school and go to their jobs every day. They pay their bills, provide for their families and pay their taxes.
When the Vietnam War protestors began, their numbers were small at first but continued to grow as the movement gained momentum. This movement may do the same.
"It’s time. I’m 73 years old. My 50th wedding anniversary is this fall. I have two great sons and their families and my five grandchildren are at an age now when they know when I’m home and, more importantly, when I’m not…”
Since he left coaching in 1979, the former Oakland Raider coach has worked as an analyst for all four broadcast networks. His "Madden NFL Football" is the top-selling sports video game of all time.
John Madden quick facts:
A 21st-round draft pick of the Philadelphia Eagles in 1958.
Became the youngest coach in the history of the AFL in 1969 at the age of 33.
Signed four-year broadcast contract in 1994 for $32 million, which was more than any NFL player was making at the time.
Afraid to fly, he travels about 80,000 miles per year in the Madden Cruiser, an $800,000 fully equipped bus, complete with kitchen, queen bed, office and sauna. Two of his Madden Cruiser busses are shown below. He hasn’t stepped on a plane since 1979.
Authored five books that have made the New York Times best-seller list.
His NFL video game is one of the all-time top sellers.
Has a masters degree in education from Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University).
Named to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2006.
Two of the Madden Cruiser's he has used over the years are shown below. They are 45-foot luxury rolling command post's, with high-speed Internet access, multiple TVs, a navigation system, cell phones and a fax - all in satellite contact with the outside world.
The photo above shows Oakland Raiders coach John Madden and his quarterback Daryle Lamonica during a game against the Washington Redskins in October, 1970.
Link here and here.
The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.
It is interesting that this report surfaced on the eve of the “Tea Party” protests.
According to this report, not only returning Veterans but anyone who opposes killing babies are considered “right-wing extremists.”
It appears that anything the administration sees as a possible threat immediately becomes a ripe target for vilification.
One only needs to look at how much media investigation was devoted to Sarah Palin vs. how much attention was paid to digging into Obama's background which still remains an unresolved mystery.
The report obviously is an attempt to paint all conservative Christian’s and returning Veterans as radical extremists that law enforcement should be wary of.
This appears to be an attempt by the Obama administration to squelch opposing views.
France has been cooing along with everyone else over the arrival of Barack Obama at the White House but the master of America's new First Dog is no longer in good odour with President Sarkozy (pictured).
Mr Sarkozy is pouring cold water on President Obama's efforts to recast American leadership on the world stage, depicting them as unoriginal, unsubstantial and overrated. Behind leaks and briefings from the Elysée Palace lies Mr. Sarkozy's irritation at the rock-star welcome that Europe gave Mr. Obama on his European tour earlier this month.
Yes, Nicolas Sarkozy really does get it - and so does the British media!
The American President's call "to free the world of the menace of a nuclear nightmare" was hot air.
"It was rhetoric – not a speech on American security policy but an export model aimed at improving the image of the United States.”
More here.
Chief Justice John Roberts
Justice Samuel Alito
Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice Clarence Thomas
Chief Justice Roberts said at his confirmation hearing:
If we’re relying on a decision from a German judge about what our Constitution means, no president accountable to the people appointed that judge and no Senate accountable to the people confirmed that judge, and yet he’s playing a role in shaping the law that binds the people in this country.
It is puzzling why any U.S. Supreme Court Justice would even consider foreign law when deciding constitutional cases. However, that is no more puzzling than why so many liberal activist Circuit Court Judges are prone to legislate from the bench rather than interpret the law.
Don't count on the Facebook users admitting the problem. The university report noted that 79% of them said that using the social networking site was not interfering with their studies.
"We can't say that use of Facebook leads to lower grades and less studying -- but we did find a relationship there," said Aryn Karpinski, co-author of the study and a doctoral student in education at Ohio State University.
"There's a disconnect between students' claim that Facebook use doesn't impact their studies, and our finding showing they had lower grades and spent less time studying."
And who was more likely to use Facebook? Yup, future systems administrators and CIOs.
The study found that science, technology and business majors most likely to regularly use Facebook.
During the survey students only spoke about Facebook and did not focus on other social networking sites, like Myspace or Twitter.
The Ohio State University study found that 85% of undergraduates use Facebook, while 52% of graduate students had accounts. It also found that Facebook users, who generally studied between one and five hours per week, had GPAs between 3.0 and 3.5, but nonusers, who studied 11 to 15 hours per week, had GPAs between 3.5 and 4.0.
The title of the Computerworld article could just as well be, Students Facebook their way to lower grades.
The force of the crash sent the cruiser sliding about 200 feet down the highway. It skidded to a stop just shy of another police car parked on the shoulder.
Sargent Lori Sperry says nobody was in the patrol car when it was hit. The texting driver was taken to St. Luke's Hospital in Meridian with minor injuries.
The accident smashed the tail end of the cruiser, leaving a three-foot crater and totaling the vehicle. The texting driver's Corsica was also totaled, scraping to a stop in the far left lane.
The driver had been drinking, but his blood alcohol level was under the legal limit.
Washington state environmental regulators say they've finally found the source of pollution that has been fouling a creek near Vancouver Lake: the agency's own sewer pipes.
City workers have discovered that the office building's sewer line was mistakenly connected to a storm drain, rather than the municipal sewer main.
Sewage from the building has been making its way into Burnt Bridge Creek and eventually into the lake. Jay Manning, the environmental agency's director, says the discovery was "embarrassing and upsetting."
She introduced herself to the neighbors, signed contracts for electricity and water and ordered an Internet connection.
What she did not tell anyone was that she had no legal right to be in the home.
Ms. Omega, 48, is one of the beneficiaries of the foreclosure crisis. Through a small advocacy group of local volunteers called Take Back the Land, she moved from a friend’s couch into a newly empty house that sold just a few years ago for more than $400,000.
Much more of the foreclosure squatter story here.
The scene is evidence of an unusual opportunity: Business is booming in the sale of belongings that owners can no longer afford to keep at the nation's storage units.
For buyers, it's a grab bag that can yield either junk or the luxuries of a life left behind.
The troubled economy is reflected in the items being sold - trendy clothes, high-end appliances and other indicators that the owners were, until recently, well off.
"What we are selling now is indicative of higher-income people than what we were selling in the past," said Rich Schur of Schur Success Auction Services in Colorado Springs, Colo. "Clearly these are people who fell on hard times."
One auctioneer said he's selling off the belongings of customers who have rented storage space for years and until recently paid their bills.
More here.
An American ship captain was freed unharmed Sunday in a U.S. Navy operation that killed three of the four Somali pirates who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa, a senior U.S. intelligence official said.
One of the pirates was wounded and in custody after a swift firefight, the official said.
Capt. Richard Phillips (pictured), 53, of Underhill, Vermont, was safely transported to a Navy warship nearby.
Earlier negotiations had broken down because of the U.S. insistence that the pirates be arrested and brought to justice.
More of the story here.
Jeanne Thomas was sitting at her desk at work when she decided to check the security camera that she installed in her home. The Thomas home had been burglarized before, so she installed a monitoring device where she can watch a live video feed of the camera in her home.
When Thomas decided to pull up the feed of her house Wednesday morning, she couldn't believe what she saw. There was someone inside her home, someone she didn't know.
Thomas picked up the phone and called 911. Police later arrested Curtis Williams, 20, and Steven Morales, 19.
Link to the story here. A video of burglars in her house can be found here.
The News of the World can reveal that Kenya-based Samson Obama tried to get into Britain on his way to Washington for his family's big day, the historic inauguration in January.
Eagle-eyed immigration officials at East Midlands Airport, using the latest biometric tests, discovered he was linked to an incident here last November.
The NOTW article continues:
Details on the hi-tech database revealed that Samson-who manages a mobile phone shop just outside Nairobi -was in fact the same man who was arrested by police in Berkshire after he approached a group of young girls, including a 13 year-old, and allegedly tried to sexually assault one of them.
He then followed them into a cafe where he became aggressive and was asked to leave by the owner.
That's when police were called to the scene and Samson was arrested.
But he gave officers a false ID - claiming to be Henry Aloo, a genuine refugee and asylum seeker - and supplied his mother's address in Bracknell.
Mum Kezia, 67, has lived in the town for six years. She married the US president's father Barack Obama Senior in Kenya when she was a teenager.
Will this story appear in the US media? Probably not. All of the news outlets in this country are too busy telling us about how Sarah Palin has a problem family.
More of the story with photos here.
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