May 15, 2010
North Platte Canteen story - a great way to start off the weekend
…and President Franklin D. Roosevelt donated a whopping $5 to help the North Platte Canteen…how generous of him! Wonder how he could spare that much?
Gaither Atlanta Homecoming “Oh, the Glory Did Roll”
May 14, 2010
Acrobat performs in Barcelona
Political cartoon inspired by a sports page photo

How much is a day with an impeached president worth?
Former US president Bill Clinton has offered himself as a lottery prize to help pay off campaign debts of his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Bill has sent out an e-mail to millions of people who supported Hillary's White House campaign.
"How would you like the chance to come up to New York and spend the day with me?" asks the e-mail.
It has been reported that an online donation of $5 would give the donor a chance at the One-Day-With-Bill prize.
Many jobs lost in recession are not coming back
The weak economy has given employers the chance to do what they would have done anyway: dismiss millions of people - such as file clerks, ticket agents and autoworkers who were displaced by technological advances and international trade.
The phasing out of these positions might have been accomplished through less painful means like attrition, buyouts or more incremental layoffs. But because of the recession, winter came early.
Holder criticizes Arizona law he hasn’t read

More here.
May 13, 2010
Golf swing coach drops Tiger Woods
Now it has been reported that Tiger Woods’ longtime swing coach resigned leaving the world’s No. 1 player without one of his top advisors as he tries to rebuild his game.

Bringing back memories…

This is a photo of the grain truck our grandson Patrick Schwab is driving while working on a custom harvest crew for the summer. They are in Texas now and will be moving north as the season progresses.
Hope he enjoys following the harvest as much as I did. When I was 17 years old, my summer job at Plainview Academy ended suddenly in a wage disagreement. I joined a custom harvest crew at Pierre, South Dakota and worked with them on up into North Dakota for the rest of the summer.
Thai soldier wearing pink flip flops in battle
Phillies busted for using binoculars to steal signs - again

Philly bullpen coach Mick Billmeyer was caught on camera (above) using binoculars to steal the catchers signs. The film clip was shown on Denver channel 9 several times over the last three days.

This is not the first time. The Philadelphia Phillies were caught stealing signs before.
The New York Mets accused the Phillies of stealing signs through a center-field camera in 2007, and the Boston Red Sox leveled charges against them in 2008.
During the World Series last year, former Phillies manager Larry Bowa said Philadelphia has a reputation for stealing signs.
Denver Channel 9 reports:
FSN Rocky Mountain, the flagship broadcaster of the Colorado Rockies, showed Billmeyer using the binoculars to peer in on Colorado catcher Miguel Olivo while the Phillies were at bat in the top of the second inning of the game Monday.
It also showed a quick image of Phillies center fielder Shane Victorino in the dugout on the bullpen phone in the top of the second.
Since the phones from the dugout to the bullpen is for use only by the manager and coaches, the use by a player after a bullpen coach used binoculars to spy on the Rockies catcher as he gave signs to the pitcher.
Link here and here.
Poll finds voters shifting to GOP
The findings suggest that public opinion has hardened in advance of the 2010 elections, making it tougher for Democrats to translate their legislative successes, or a tentatively improving U.S. economy, into gains among voters.
Republicans have reassembled their coalition by reconnecting with independents, seniors, blue-collar voters, suburban women and small town and rural voters—all of whom had moved away from the party in the 2006 elections, in which Republicans lost control of the House. Those voter groups now favor GOP control of Congress.
More here.
May 12, 2010
1946 Aero Packard Flyer dream rod

This monstrous hot rod type vehicle was photographed at the Los Angeles Concours in June 2009.
The car is known as the "Dream Rod" and was constructed by Rodney Rucker at a reported cost of about one million dollars.
The power plant came from a 2500 cubic-inch Packard supercharged V12 originally used in a WWII PT boat.
The 41-liter motor, built by Packard in the 1940’s, produces an astounding 2000 horsepower and 3000 lb-ft of torque.
Mileage? The car gets about one mile per gallon.
Turncoat Arlen Specter in primary trouble

Arlen Specter is shown on left and Joe Sestak on right in the photo above.
Can a career politician make a smooth transition from a McCain/Palin supporter to a left-wing liberal in just one year without anybody noticing? Apparently the answer is "no."
Arlen Specter started out as a Democrat, spent 43 years as a Republican and then abruptly switched parties last year in a naked bid to save his political career.
Specter, the Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-Democrat is obviously more of an opportunist than a politician with any real party loyalty.
Switching parties is not as simple as checking a new box on a voter-registration card.
Not helping his cause was a slip-up Tuesday night at the Allegheny County Democratic Committee’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner when Specter ended a speech by thanking the Allegheny County Republicans for their endorsement.
Has Specter changed political parties so often he can’t keep them straight?
Indigenous people voting in Philippines
Salvador Dali house and museum

As a testament to the great surrealist Salvador Dali, who was born and died on the site, the Torre Galatea in Figueres, Spain, is oddly adorned with giant eggs as part of the larger Dali Theatre-Museum complex.
Named after the painter's wife, the current home to the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation is not open to the public but can be admired from the outside.
The tower is an expansion of the museum, which is hailed as the largest surrealist work in the world and for some, makes just as little sense as the rest of Dali's work
Giant Obama parade float in Italy

The Carnival of Viareggio is characterized by its giant paper-mache floats representing caricatures of popular characters, politicians and fictional creations.
Do the floats honor or mock the people they represent?
May 11, 2010
David Cameron will be new British PM

In the photo below Britain’s incoming Prime Minister David Cameron, accompanied by his wife Samantha, waves in front of 10 Downing Street in London on Tuesday.

After five days of negotiation a Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government has been confirmed. Gordon Brown (shown on right), leader of the Labor Party, has resigned his position and Conservative David Cameron has become the new British Prime Minister.

Bulldog skateboards snowboards and surfs
The Supreme Court nominee with no résumé
Many feel that, unless there is something terribly wrong with a candidate, everyone should support the right of a president to choose whomever he wants for the Supreme Court because it is one of the perks of getting elected. Just another example of why elections have consequences.
When Barack Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor as a candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court many said her qualifications were thin and that she was merely an ‘affirmative action’ candidate.
Her detractors pointed to her rulings that were overturned. In fact, 60% of her challenged rulings were overturned by the Supreme Court.Now Mr. Obama has selected a candidate with literally no résumé at all.
Not only has Elena Kagan (pictured) never been a judge, she has left a miniscule trace of her presence as a lawyer and a legal analyst.
Link here and here.
Trucking industry wants bigger trucks on the road
Opponents, however, worry about safety.
Teamsters union and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association are opposed to the increase.
Pulling triple trailers (trips) is the most common way of hauling heavier loads.
At present there are only 13 states that allow pulling triple trailers. They are: Colorado, Idaho, Indiana (turnpike only), Kansas (turnpike only), Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio (turnpike only), Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, and Utah.

Pulling trips is not new. A 1928 photo below shows a Mack AC pulling triple tank trailers for Humble Oil and Refining.

Link here and here.
Man with circuits in shoes detained at airport
An initial investigation showed that the devices were used for massaging the feet, but the circuits could have other uses and authorities were continuing to examine them. Similar materials can be used in the construction of bombs.
The man, Faiz Mohammad (pictured), was arrested Sunday night at the Karachi airport, said Munir Ahmed, a spokesman for the airport security force. The materials were detected by a scanner.
Ahmed said each shoe contained a small circuit connected to two AAA batteries.
Anyone who believes the foot massage story let us know -- we have this real neat bridge in Brooklyn we’ll sell you real cheap.
One more anti Obama billboard
May 10, 2010
Kids TV time linked to school woes
Young children who watch a lot of TV aren't just missing out on more stimulating activities. They may also be destined for problems at school and unhealthier habits later in life, new research suggests.
Each additional hour of TV that toddlers watch per week translates into poorer classroom behavior, lower math scores, less physical activity, and more snacking at age 10, according to a new study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
"Kids should be doing things that are intellectually enriching: playing with board games, playing with dice, playing with things that will improve their motor skills, reading," says the lead author of the study, Linda Pagani, Ph.D., a professor in the School of Psychoeducation at the University of Montreal, in Quebec. "All that is replaced by sitting on the couch."
More here.
Mohamed al Fayed sells Harrods Department Store

The deal was signed by Fayed and Qatar Holding's chief executive, Ahmad Al-Sayed, at the Qatari embassy in Mayfair, bringing to an end months of speculation in the City about the future of the luxury emporium.
Egyptian born multimillionaire Mohamed al Fayed is one of Britain's most high-profile businessmen.
The 77-year-old Fayed set up a shipping company with his brothers in Egypt in the late 1950s before setting up offices in London and moving to Britain in 1974.
Mohamed al Fayed’s son Dodi Fayed was romantically involved with Princes Diana. Dodi and Diana (lower photo) were killed in an automobile accident in Paris on August 31, 1997.
Link to the sale of Harrods story here.
Reagan Billboard REAL hope and change
If at first you don’t succeed - try another 949 times

Cha Sa-Soon (pictured) finally scored the 60 percent required after taking the exam nearly every day since April 2005.
It was reported that she spent more than five million won ($4,200) in the process.
But, that’s only half of her way to a driving license.
"I still have to pass the real driving test but I think it will be easier for me to pass than the paper test," she said, adding that she needed a driver's license for her vegetable-selling business.
Obama’s ‘new normal’ jobless rate is unacceptable

It is unacceptable for the Obama administration to allow the current high jobless rate to the the ‘new normal.’
More here.
Kagan nominated to replace Paul Stevens on Supreme Court

If confirmed, she would be the youngest member and the third woman on the court as well as the first justice in nearly four decades not to have been a judge.
Link here and here.