We didn’t know Billy Bob lived in Iowa. The solar collectors are nearly as big as the house with enough debris scattered in the yard to build a couple more. Photo taken near Dexter, Iowa
Most cannons displayed in public parks are large and impressive. This cannon is neither. Valeta poses with this lilliputian relic in Stuart, Iowa to show its relative size.
“Share the Road” signs like this can be found in Amish country near Sturgeon, Missouri.
This rock is located north of Greenfield, Iowa and is repainted every Veterans Day by local artist Ray “Bubba” Sorensen.
More about the Veterans/Patriotic rock can be found here. Pictures of this rock from prior years can be found in the Photography photo album on the right side bar of this blog.
Link here for directions to the rock.
Another patriotic symbol was found near Chappell, Nebraska in the form of an American flag painted on the side of a very large grain storage elevator.