Mr. Clinton is using Jewish Holidays as a reason/excuse for not campaigning for Obama.
On a previously recorded interview to air on CNN's "Larry King Live" former President Bill Clinton (pictured) says he will wait until after Thursday, Oct. 9, before he will start campaigning for Sen. Barack Obama.
What's the significance of Oct. 9?
Why, it's the Jewish Day of Atonement, of course.
And though the Southern Baptist former president isn't known for being a particularly devout Jew who observes the High Holy Days, apparently he's decided to wait until after Yom Kippur and the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, before he starts campaigning for his wife's former rival, for whom many Democrats suspect the Clintons aren't exactly rooting enthusiastically.
“Not enthusiastically” is surely an understatement.
During the Larry King Live appearance, King asked, “Are you kind of feeling Jewish that you're waiting until after the Jewish holidays?”
Clinton replied:
“No. But I think it would be -- if we're trying to win in Florida, it may be that," Clinton began, before discussing his real Florida target: “You know, they think that, because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the ‘cracker vote’ there.”
If you ever want to follow the footsteps of Bill Clinton as he campaigns for Barack Obama this fall, just follow his heel marks - he will be dragging his feet all the way.
Hmm … after the Jewish holidays, he could always wait until after corn picking time …
If Barack Obama loses, it will be Hillary in 2012. If he wins, Hillary will be stuck with her Senate seat.
Nothing else.
No cabinet post.