Under cap and trade the federal government gives companies a limit to the emissions they are allowed, which is their “cap.” If they go beyond, they must enter into “carbon trading” by buying “carbon offsets.”
In order to get enough votes in Congress to pass a controversial global warming package, Democratic leaders are offering some lawmakers generous emission “allowances” to protect their districts from the economic pain of pollution restrictions.
It’s a bribe offered by Congressman Waxman (pictured) that many politicians won’t be able to resist.

Democrats in congress want this bill passed by any means possible proving that cap and trade will be based mainly on political power and only incidentally on carbon emissions.
There will be special allowances for all manner of favored groups covered with the usual excuses. The groups not favored will have to be charged more to make up for those who are excused.
These calculations are supposed to be based on scientific calculations to protect our planet - or so we thought until Waxman and other Democrats decided they needed bribes to get their controversial global warming package passed.