Jun 19, 2010
Penguin practicing for the World Cup

Nice kitty … roar … woof
Jun 18, 2010
Campbell Soup Recalls SpaghettiOs
Varieties of SpaghettiOs with meatballs may contain undercooked meat.
The recall includes SpaghettiOs with Meatballs, SpaghettiOs A to Z with Meatballs, and SpaghettiOs Fun Shapes with Meatballs (Cars).
Campbell Soup Co. is recalling 15 million pounds of SpaghettiOs with meatballs after a cooker malfunctioned at one of the company's plants in Texas and left the meat undercooked.
More here.
Oil-sucking barges stopped by Coast Guard
This guy wants to be first in line for the iPhone 4
Strange White House photos from the past

Senator Chris Dodd’s ‘parting shot’

Chris Dodd was pressured into not running for re-election enhancing the chance for a Democrat to win the seat held by Dodd for nearly 30 years.
Is the gift to the Indian Casino Dodd’s ‘parting shot’ for being forced out of the Senate by the Obama administration?
Jun 17, 2010
American Airlines to charge for early boarding

More here.
The Apple that fell far from the tree

The 76-year-old Wayne is two decades older than Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Mr. Wayne lives in remote Pahrump, Nevada. It is a place so near the middle of nowhere that it didn’t get telephones until the 1960s.
He was 42 and chief draftsman at Atari when he first encountered 21-year-old Steve Jobs. It was Wayne who designed the original Apple logo and wrote the original manual.
More here.
A 14-year-old goes on joy ride in stolen bus
A 14-year-old boy who was suspended from school decided to steal a bus and take it for a joy ride.
The Milwaukee teen went for a walk and saw a school bus parked with its engine running near 90th Street and Capitol Drive. The driver had gotten out of the vehicle to help a special-needs student to his front door.
Wrestling with his conscience, the boy walked past the bus numerous times and debated whether to get inside. The falling rain helped him make up his mind, however, and he jumped into the driver's seat and drove away.
The first stop was his grandmother's house near 45th Street and Concordia Avenue, where he parked the vehicle for a few hours. Then he took the bus to Mayfair Mall, where he was seen driving recklessly and not obeying stop signs.
The boy told police he "had no intention of shopping, but wanted to be seen by others driving the bus through the lot."
Al Gore says stop censoring Gulf news
Mr. Gore made a posting on his personal web site titled “stop censoring news from the Gulf.”
It’s akin to the pot calling the kettle sooty.
Al Gore’s accusation here.
Al Gore banning the media from his speech in 2009 here.
Al Gore banning the media from his speech in 2008 here.
Al Gore banning the media from his speech in 2007 here.
Police in Russia seize 100,000 anti-Vladimir Putin books

Will there be a similar book burning in Russia?
If not, they will be missing a good chance.
Russian police seized 100,000 copies of a book critical of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (pictured) that activists planned to hand out at the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Copies of 'Putin. The Results. 10 Years on', written by opposition politicians Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Milov were "intended for participants of the forum", starting Thursday, according to Olga Kurnosova, head of the city's branch of the opposition United Civic Front, said.
Jun 16, 2010
Dirty money

The Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists says Wilson is the first person in his profession to find and report money in dog poop.
Did anyone in the media like the spill speech?
Examples of media reaction to the Obama spill speech:
Obama left blanks in spill speech that did not stand up to fact checking. Link
Obama's Curiously Flat Gulf Speech. Link
Obama's Speech: Calling for Courage, but Showing Little. Link
The thorough trashing of spill speech by MSNBC. Link
Obama's address: grand setting, weak policies. Link
That Stench of Rotting Bull is Just Obama’s Oval Office Speech. Link
Obama fried in oil. Link
Where Does He Get the Authority to ‘Inform’ a Private CompanyThat It Must Surrender Its Money? Link
Obama's speech: There's a pipe spewinga gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmills. Link
Obama’s first Oval Office speech a flop. Link
Obamas' Long Nose. Link
Time Magazine criticizes Obama’s spill speech

As a candidate, Obama repeatedly promised to tell Americans what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. That was among his most invigorating promises: a pledge to lead, to cast aside the poll-driven positioning that prevented America from solving its most persistent problems.
In the first Oval Office address of his presidency, Obama didn't do that, and he must know it. Which must be the most frustrating thing of all.
Americans heightened anger with the media
A new Rasmussen poll found an astonishing two thirds of American voters are at least somewhat angry at the media, including an entire one third who said they are ‘very angry.’
That’s disturbing but unfortunately, not surprising.
The liberal media lost touch with the public and fair reporting long ago, and Americans are sick of their lavish praise for a President that is leading our country and economy into a disastrous state.
The American people are abandoning the old media by the millions because they are simply fed up.
Now is the time for the national, so-called "news" media to Tell The Truth! and report the facts. The American people are furious and are demanding answers.
Most in the media report what liberal politicians say without fact checking.
One example was when Obama said he was on the oil spill from day one. The liberal media quickly reported it as fact.
Watch MSNBC’s hard core leftists trash Obama’s speech
Below are a few of the highlights listed at the link below:
Keith Olbermann: "It was a great speech if you were on another planet for the last 57 days."
Chris Matthews compared Obama to Carter.
Keith Olbermann: "Nothing specific at all was said."
Chris Matthews: "No direction."
Howard Fineman: "He wasn't specific enough."
Keith Olbermann: "I don't think he aimed low, I don't think he aimed at all. It's startling."
Howard Fineman: Obama should be acting like a "commander-in-chief."
Chris Matthews: Ludicrous that he keeps saying [Secretary of Energy] Chu has a Nobel prize. "I'll barf if he does it one more time."
Chris Matthews: "A lot of meritocracy, a lot of blue ribbon talk."
Chris Matthews: "I don't sense executive command."
All three have been staunch Obama loyalists -- until now.
They have all been quick with alibis and excuses for Obama’s shortcomings whether perceived or real -- until now.
Look for more liberals to criticize Obama’s indecisiveness.
Jun 15, 2010
Xbox to release new controller-free game device
During development it was called Project Natal. Now it is simply called “Kinect.”
The games will rely on a device the size of a stapler that perches on top of a living room TV to recognize faces, obey voice commands and track body movements.
No more pushing 14 different buttons in endless sequences. In fact, there are no buttons at all as the video below shows.
Taylor Ware at age 12 yodeling on America’s Got Talent
Taylor Ware was 12-years-old when this America’s Got Talent video was made. She also plays the violin.
She was born in 1994 and lives in Franklin, Tennessee.
Pelosi pays $18K a month for office in SF
Last fall, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (pictured) moved her district office into the new federal building in San Francisco. The move quadrupled the rent she pays, and her new $18,736 monthly bill is almost double the next-highest rental paid by a Member of the House.
Members from large urban districts with the highest property values are paying the most for district office rental, particularly New York–area Members.
But even in these high-rent districts, Pelosi’s new digs blow away the competition.
Concern growing on Capitol Hill about Obama’s war
A series of political and military setbacks in Afghanistan has fed anxiety over the war effort in the past few weeks, shaking supporters of President Obama's counterinsurgency strategy and confirming the pessimism of those who had doubts about it from the start.
More here.
Photo from scenic remote NW Colorado
Prince Charles bores Oxford students

The outspoken Prince Charles, not known for his intellect, spoke to Islamic studies scholars at Oxford. He told them man's destruction of the world was particularly contrary to Islam.

However, as the photo shows, not everyone in the audience was as interested in the subject as Prince Charles.
Obama says seafood from Gulf safe to eat despite fishing ban
“I had some of that seafood for lunch, and it was delicious,” Obama said, “We want to make sure that the food industry down here, as much as possible, is getting the protection and certification that they need to continue their businesses.”
Two weeks ago the gulf fishing ban was extended as reported in the second link below.
US officials Monday expanded a fishing ban in the Gulf of Mexico by more than 1,000 square miles (2,600 square kilometers) amid a spreading oil slick.
The extended fishing ban was reported two weeks ago. Since then oil contamination in the gulf has increased.
The photo below shows gulf fishing boats idled by the fishing ban.Link here and here.
Jun 14, 2010
Whaling activist facing jail time in Japan
Japanese prosecutors have demanded a two-year prison sentence for Sea Shepherd activist Peter Bethune over an assault charge stemming from his boarding of a Japanese whaling ship in the Southern Ocean.
The Sea Shepherd flagship Steve Irwin is shown below.New Zealander Peter Bethune has been detained since his arrest over the boarding in February, during which Japanese prosecutors allege he injured a crewman on board the Shonan Maru 2 by throwing a bottle of rancid butter at him.
Prosecutors told Tokyo District Court that chemical burns to the face of a 24-year-old whaler were "clearly caused by rancid butter fired by the defendant".
The 45-year-old Bethune may have two years in a Japanese jail to ponder the difference between protest and assault.
Will he get the usual fish heads and rice or will they give him his preferred vegan diet?
Flag Day began on May 14, 1777
Sound of the World Cup
The sound of World Cup soccer this year is difficult to bear. Many watching the games in South Africa are worried about permanent damage to their hearing as reported in an article at the link below.
The din emitting from the tuneless plastic horns is louder than that from a drum or a chainsaw, according to the survey by hearing aid manufacturer Phonak.
It said tests had shown the sound emitted by a vuvuzela was the equivalent to 127 decibels. The sound from a drum was put at 122 decibels while the sound from a referee's whistle registered 121.8 decibels.
How distracting is it for the players on the field? Will the noise from thousands of tuneless plastic vuvuzela horns change the outcome of some of the matches?
The humble vuvuzela has become very controversial, with many fans and players wanting it banned. But many more say that this plastic stadium horn, or blowing horn, has come to symbolize football (soccer) in South Africa.
Fans in South Africa cannot imagine the game without the sound of the vuvuzelas and argue that the instrument adds to a unique African atmosphere. The vuvuzela is described as “the noise-making trumpet of South Africa football (soccer) fans.”
Spectators use it to encourage their teams, express their joy (or disappointment) or just to show their excitement.
Governor Schwarzenegger’s voting mishap

A scanning machine rejected Schwarzenegger's first ballot last Tuesday because he selected two Senate candidates, instead of one.
Schwarzenegger was given the choice of filling out a new ballot or not having his Senate choice count.
He cast a fresh ballot.
The 65th Anniversary of VE Day in London

Prince Charles wife Camilla laughs while hiding under her umbrella as politician Bob Ainsworth struggles with his umbrella. Somehow the scene fits since current politics in the UK is about as ǝpısdn uʍop as Ainsworth’s umbrella.

Acting as if they can’t stand each other -- British Prime Minister David Cameron in the center is flanked by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on the left and former Prime Minister Gordon Brown on the right as they celebrate the 65th Anniversary of VE Day.
You just can’t make this stuff up!
Jun 13, 2010
Tiger at US Open: a decade of difference
As Tiger Woods returns to the United States Open this week at Pebble Beach, the site of his still-stunning victory in 2000, he is facing some uncomfortable truths and difficult barriers. Four days before the tournament begins, Woods is trying to find a game that will hold up under major championship pressure.
In fact, with significant gaps in his game apparent in the four tournaments he has played in the run-up to the Open, Woods, 34, barely resembles the carefree, unfettered young man who won here by record 15 strokes a decade ago.
Since returning to the pro tour for the Masters last April, Woods has not come close to a win. The report says his average score in 13 rounds is 71.07, which would rank him 83rd on the PGA Tour.
The old confidence and swagger is gone. Can he bring it back?
Report: Environmentalists give Obama a pass on oil spill
As the greatest environmental catastrophe in U.S. history has played out on Obama’s watch, the environmental movement has essentially given him a pass — all but refusing to unleash any vocal criticism against the president even as the public has grown more frustrated by Obama’s performance.
Instead of faulting Obama for his non-response to the disaster in the gulf, environmentalists are praising him!
About a dozen environmental groups took out a full page ad in the Washington Post Tuesday — not to fault Obama over the ecological catastrophe but to thank him for putting on hold an Alaska drilling project. “We deeply appreciate your decision. ...” the ad says to Obama.
The report goes on to say what would have happened if the oil spill would have been while George W. Bush was in the White House:
There’s little doubt that if a spill like the one in the Gulf took place on former President George W. Bush’s watch, environmental groups would have unleashed an unsparing fury on the Republican in the White House. For their liberal ally, Obama, they seem willing to hold their tongues.
Unicab: the New York City concept cab?

Will the TLC choose an EV (electric vehicle) such as the Unicab shown here?
It looks like a cross between an artist’s conception of a UFO and a lunar rover. At first glance, it’s hard to tell if the vehicle is coming or going.