Elephants painted as panda bears in Ayutthaya, Thailand.
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Record low high temperatures are forecast for southern Wisconsin on Friday as a very cool Canadian air mass covers the region.
The high on Friday is only expected to be in the low 60s, which would be under the record coldest high temperature in Madison for July 17 of 67 degrees, set in 1900.
Saturday's high is expected to be in the upper 60s, which could challenge the record coldest high temperature for July 18 of 68, set in 1924.
Al Gore will probably say the cause is global warming.
Swine flu isn't taking a vacation.
Summer camps are contending with more than bug bites and poison ivy this year: They're on the lookout for swine flu.
While regular flu all but disappears in the summer, swine flu is spreading, and more than 50 summer camps in 20 states have sent kids home early or canceled sessions after suspected outbreaks.
The swine flu outbreaks are not limited to summer camps. Cases have been reported at office buildings, jails and on church choir trips. Schools have been hit, too, including the Air Force Academy, where at least 68 students have confirmed cases of swine flu.
More here.
Link“I think Al Gore and his group should be out here and tell us about this global warming stuff. I think he might have a change of mind. We’ve had a cool July.
Congressional plans to fund a massive health-care overhaul could have a job-killing effect on New York, creating a tax rate of nearly 60 percent for the state's top earners and possibly pressuring small-business owners to shed workers.
In order to pay for the massive health coverage proposed by House Democrats this week, New York's top income bracket could reach as high as 57 percent!
The top rate in New York City, home to many of the state's wealthiest people, would be 58.68 percent, the Washington-based Tax Foundation said in a report yesterday.
That means New York's top earners, small-business owners and most dynamic entrepreneurs will be facing new fees and penalties.
It’s the small business owners and “dynamic entrepreneurs” that hire a large percent of the work force in most areas.
This will force many to lay off workers as they scale back their businesses.
Without huge new taxes the government could not possibly give uninsured Americans cheap or free healthcare.
A large number of the uninsured are illegal aliens. Another large group without health insurance are those age 20 to 40 who choose to buy expensive cars, plasma TV’s, boats and other toys rather than pay for health insurance.
And, lets not forget the tens of thousands of gang members in all but the smallest towns in America who would also be covered by ObamaCare.
Her role so far has been more in the field of public relations than in policy formation.
It is not at all clear that she has an in-depth influence on foreign policy.
And this insult:
She needs to decide if she wants to be the administration's mascot or have an impact on actual policy.
The administration's mascot indeed.
That may sound like a low blow, but there may be more truth than poetry to that statement because the sad part (for her) is that is what she has probably become.
Wasn’t she warned that she'd have little power and influence as a member of the Obama administration?
Up until now Hillary’s cabinet post has been made largely irrelevant by Obama’s world tours and the appointment of three special envoys - Richard Holbrooke, George Mitchell and Dennis Ross - who have been given large portfolios that some believe have detracted from Clinton's clout.
During a break in the Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings, Sen. Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, was asked whether Sotomayor has been "forthcoming" in her testimony, particularly in her explanations of several controversial speeches she has given.
"How forthcoming is she being," a reporter asked, "and is it any different from what Justices Roberts and Alito did during their hearings?""I don't think her testimony is close to the clarity and consistency of Judges Roberts and Alito," Sessions answered. "I just don't think it is. It's muddled, confusing, backtracking on issue after issue -- and these are things that many of us have spoken of on the floor over the past several weeks, so it's not as if they are surprise issues. So I frankly am a bit disappointed in the lack of clarity and consistency in her answers."
The good news (for left-wing Democrats): the “wise Latina woman” will probably be confirmed.
The bad news (for America): the “wise Latina woman” will probably be confirmed.
Madoff's former life of luxury will quickly turn into a life of routine at Butner.
Inmates start their day at 6 a.m. and are required to work 7.5 hours a day, as long as they're found medically fit, according to the Bureau of Prisons.
Madoff will make between 12 cents and 40 cents an hour to be a groundskeeper, a food service employee or a commissary worker.
Dinner is at 5 p.m., with free time afterwards until 9 p.m., during which time he can partake in recreational, religious or educational programs.
"I don't think we need to have another stimulus bill. I think we need to change this one so that we spend the money right now," said Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., who has been critical of the plan.”
Then there are the questionable projects:
For instance, the Florida Department of Transportation wants to spend $3.4 million in stimulus money for a turtle tunnel. That's right, $3.4 million to help turtles cross under a highway. Each year, 1,035 turtles are killed on a half-mile stretch of highway north of Tallahassee, according to The Lake Jackson Ecopassage Alliance, a group advocating for the tunnel. They are hoping to use the stimulus dough to save the turtles.
Another example:
Across the country in Montana, a border crossing that averages fewer than two passenger cars a day and two to three trucks a month is slated to get $15 million in stimulus funds for upgrades.
And then there is the Utah sheriff asking for $25,000 in stimulus money for a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
It gets worse. A report at the link below says:
To keep track of all the spending, the government has created a Web site. But nothing in life is free.
The independent General Services Administration quietly put out a release Wednesday night saying the site would be redesigned -- for $9.5 million and, perhaps, as much as $18 million in the next five years!
The graffiti, which appeared to be written with a marker rather than spray paint, was spotted Monday.
Several letters were written on the sign, but no profanities.
Even in permissive Las Vegas we doubt the punishment will be anywhere near that severe.
Built in 1959, the Las Vegas sign has become a symbol of the city, appearing in ad campaigns, films and even board games.
In May, the sign was officially welcomed onto the National Register of Historic Places.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, accused Sotomayor of being prejudiced.
Citing a controversial racial bias case in which a fire department discarded the results of a qualifying test when black firefighters scored too low, Sessions said Sotomayor was biased in favor of the minority employees.
"It seems to me that in [Ricci v. DeStefano], Judge Sotomayor's empathy for one group of firefighters turned out to be prejudice against the others," Sessions said.
Ricci v. DeStefano was just one of Judge Sotomayor's cases to be overturned by a higher court - in this case the Supreme Court of the United States.
Sotomayor's controversial attitudes towards race were first aired when it became clear that her comments about "wise Latinas" were a common refrain in her public speeches:
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.
The Obama administration revealed last week that as much as $16.1 million from the stimulus program is going to save the San Francisco Bay Area habitat of, among other things, the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse.
The salt marsh harvest mouse in question happens to be in the San Francisco Bay Area backyard of House Speakers Nancy Pelosi (pictured).
That has revived Republican criticism that the pet project was an "invisible earmark" in the massive spending bill for Mrs. Pelosi, whose San Francisco district abuts the Bay, and epitomizes what Republicans say is the failure of stimulus spending so far to help an economy still shedding jobs.
House Minority Leader John A. Boehner said, “Lo and behold, the government has announced that the mouse is getting its money after all,” standing beside a poster of the furry varmint adding, “Pelosi must be so proud.”
Given their nation's long reign as the world's most visited country, you'd expect the French to know a thing or two about insufferable tourists.
It turns out they do — and are proving it to the rest of the world.
In a poll carried out by online travel site Expedia and released on Thursday, July 9, French tourists were viewed as the orneriest for the third year running.
Then Time Magazine really pours it on with this:
Affirmation-starved France usually loves global titles of any kind (one big reason French competitors tend to outnumber foreign rivals in quixotic contests like reverse round-the-world solo yachting races and France's annual international plumb-spitting tournaments).
Reverse round-the-world solo yachting races indeed.
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