Haitians climb aboard a ship docked off the coast in an attempt to escape the devastation in Port-au-Prince.

Bodies are dumped into mass graves Friday in Titanyen, Haiti. What else can they do?
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In the brutal aftermath of Haiti's earthquake, Jean-Robert Gaillard turned to his low-tech radio for solace and for a lifeline.
When the earthquake hit, the 57-year-old from Petionville, Haiti, found most of his normal lines of communication -- his cell phone, the Internet, even his ability to walk down the street and talk to someone -- severed by the disaster.
But Gaillard used a neighbor's generator to power up his radio and connect to a handful of amateur radio enthusiasts in the United States -- many of whom were eagerly listening to radio static for calls like his.
Unlike many other people in Haiti, Gaillard was able to contact family members in the United States soon after the January 12 earthquake hit to tell them he had survived.
In those first hellish moments, that connection seemed like a miracle.
Dennis Blair (left) Director of National Intelligence.
Janet Napolitano (center) Homeland Security Secretary.
Michael Leiter (right) director of National Counterterrorism Center.
They apologized to lawmakers for failing to stop an alleged bomber with al-Qaida ties from getting on a Detroit bound flight even though U.S. intelligence had information on various aspects of the plot.
After the apologies, the only one to really take responsibility was Dennis Blair. Janet Napolitano seemed bored with the proceedings.
Congressional Democrats — stunned out of silence by Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts — say they’re done swallowing their anger with President Barack Obama and ready to go public with their gripes.
The sentiment isn’t quite heads-must-roll, but it’s getting close.
Hill Democrats are demanding that Obama’s brain trust -- especially senior adviser David Axelrod and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel -- shelve their grand legislative ambitions to focus on the economic issues that will determine the fates of shaky Democratic majorities in both houses.
This seems to reinforce the common conception that Mr. Obama really isn’t calling the shots. It is Axelrod (shown on left) and Emanuel (on right) who actually run the run the White House.
The question is -- will Congressional Democrats be able to steer the White House away from the aggressive Axelrod/Emanuel agenda that is beginning to implode the Democratic Party in Washington?
Air America Radio, a radio network that was launched in 2004 as a liberal alternative to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators, on Thursday shut down abruptly due to financial woes.
The network once boasted hosts such as Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, but struggled from the outset, including multiple management shake-ups, a bankruptcy in 2006 and sale for $4.25 million the following year.
Liberal political radio just doesn’t sell well.
Conservative radio programs are making Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others rich. Liberal radio programs by contrast just can’t get enough audience to support advertisers.
Now that Air America has gone bust, about the only place left for liberal talk-show hosts is National Public Radio. NPR is largely funded by tax dollars or they would have gone bust long ago.
Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods — even if you also exercise regularly — could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place — at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV — just the overall number of hours it occurs.
Research is preliminary, but several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.
More of the story here.
...from Matt Drudge
Nervous Democrats debated Wednesday how to save a health care reform plan suddenly pushed to the brink of defeat by an upset GOP Senate win in Massachusetts.
Senator-elect Scott Brown's victory in one of the most progressive states in the nation raised already-high anxiety levels among Democrats looking ahead to midterm elections.
It also stripped Democrats of their 60-seat Senate supermajority, giving Republicans enough votes to block any measure in the chamber.
The irony of the Brown win is not lost on politicians in Washington.
Scott Brown won the Senate seat occupied by Ted Kennedy who was the main promoter of universal healthcare. Brown’s main campaign thrust was against ObamaCare, a pet Kennedy project!
LinkA mysterious visitor who has left roses and cognac at the grave of Edgar Allan Poe (pictured) each year on the writer's birthday failed to show early Tuesday, breaking with a ritual that began more than 60 years ago.
The tradition dates back to at least 1949, according to newspaper accounts from the era.
Since then, an unidentified person has come every Jan. 19 to leave three roses and a half-bottle of cognac at Poe's grave in a church cemetery in downtown Baltimore.
Poe was the American literary master of the macabre, noted for poems and short stories including "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Pit and the Pendulum." He is also credited with writing the first modern detective story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," which appeared in 1841.
He died Oct. 7, 1849, in Baltimore at the age of 40 after collapsing in a tavern.
As for the fate of his annual visitor? That's a new mystery.
The statement says the 73-year-old Daniels suffered the stroke Friday and was treated at a hospital in Durango, 230 miles southwest of Denver. He then was airlifted to a Denver hospital, and released on Sunday.
What starts in California goes viral a couple years later. So, don't be surprised if DEA operatives begin cruising upscale developments near you.
Possible counter-intel tactics by the bad guys: hire broke soccer moms to stop by and smile at the neighbors; keep up the landscaping services; and, install solar panels - paid for with government incentives.
They came into our cookie-cutter residential neighborhoods and created cookie-cutter marijuana factories.
Less than 15 minutes after the [Massachusetts] race was called for Republican Scott Brown, the first of what could be many conservative Democrats asks for leadership to put the brakes on health care reform.
Jim Webb (pictured), a moderate Democrat Senator from Virginia, congratulated Brown on his win and then delivered a zinger:
"In many ways the campaign in Massachusetts became a referendum not only on health care reform but also on the openness and integrity of our government process.
It is vital that we restore the respect of the American people in our system of government and in our leaders. To that end, I believe it would only be fair and prudent that we suspend further votes on health care legislation until Senator-elect Brown is seated."
After leaving Gloucestershire Airport at 10am on Monday, he lost contact with the team monitoring his progress while flying over the English Channel at about 1pm.Martin Bromage, 49, was attempting to complete the 11,000-mile trip in six weeks to raise £150,000 (about $245,000) for Help For Heroes, a charity for wounded soldiers.
The billboard is an advertisement for BMW of Bridgeport's overnight test drive offer. The mannequin, who is wearing pajamas, was lifted to the top of the billboard with the teddy bear about two months ago.
The dealership says there has been very little negative feedback about the billboard, and the sign has gotten them a lot of overnight Beamer test drive as a result of the sign.
Aurochs were immortalized in prehistoric cave paintings and admired for their brute strength and "elephantine" size by Julius Caesar.
The huge cattle with sweeping horns which once roamed the forests of Europe have not been seen for nearly 400 years.
Despite their having gone the way of the dodo and the woolly mammoth, there are plans to bring the giant animals back to life.
The last animal disappeared from the British Isles in the Iron Age and the breed was declared extinct in 1627 after a female died in the forests of Poland.
I wouldn’t want to herd one and I for sure wouldn’t want to milk one! Also, I can’t imagine aurochburgers on the McDonald’s menu board any time soon.
What will they try to do next, clone Paul Bunyan?
“Let's remove all doubt, we will have health care -- one way or another,” Pelosi told reporters in San Francisco.
But how? The Speaker was less clear on that question.
“Certainly the dynamic would change depending on what happens in Massachusetts,” Pelosi said. “[It’s] just a question about how we would proceed. But it doesn't mean we won't have a health care bill.”
Privately, Democratic Congressional leaders are less certain.
More here.
Cocaine was found on the floor near a bathroom in a restricted area of the Kennedy Space Center according to NASA officials.
"It's unacceptable," NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said.
The cocaine was found in a plastic bag on the floor near a restroom inside the Orbiter Processing Facility, where space shuttle Discovery is being prepared for launch in March.
The presence of illegal narcotics is considered a safety hazard because astronauts' lives depend on the precision work done in the hangar.
About 200 employees were working in the hangar at the time the cocaine was found.
However, the presidential advisers have grown increasingly pessimistic in the last three days about Coakley's chances after a series of missteps by the candidate.
But White House spokesman Bill Burton told CNN: "The President is in Massachusetts today because he believes Martha Coakley is the right person for the job and indeed will be the next senator from Massachusetts."
The earthquake rattled the foundation of the Adventist Hospital in the city's Diquini neighborhood, forcing patients and staff into the courtyard and lawn where they remained throughout the weekend.
A skeleton crew of doctors, accustomed to a 70-bed hospital with modern operating suites, rushed among 400 patients who made their beds on concrete walkways, gravel roads and bare patches of lawn outside the hospital.
These healthcare workers are heroically working in the face of impossible conditions and need our help.
Click the second link below if you would like to donate to the Adventist Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti via the Loma Linda Secure web site.
Thanks to Mel Wade for the USA Today link.
Link here and here.
Friday's filing is not likely to be the last from the Bloomberg campaign because he must file final expenses with the state Board of Elections in July.
But the report is final enough to give an approximate idea of what Bloomberg spent for each of the 585,466 votes he got. The bulk of his spending went to advertising, more than $56 million for ads in print, radio, television and mailings, plus millions more to the consultants and strategists who dreamed up how to use it.
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