This is penned with all due respect to the memory of Sir Arthur C. Clarke, author of the book
2001: A Space Odyssey.

It all began when a Starbucks gift card mysteriously arrived in my mailbox.
Actually, there was no mystery. Lori mailed it to me last week. She is aware of my affection for iced coffee. Thanks Lori!

I took the card to the nearest Starbucks hoping to pick up a few cans of their Italian roast iced coffee. Come to find out, Starbucks no longer makes the product. No wonder I haven’t been able to find it on grocery store shelves for the last six months or so.
The Starbucks store was nearly empty. There was one other customer and three employees. I found it easy to understand why two Starbucks locations in our little town closed during 2008.
A couple of friendly barista’s rushed over and fawned over me like I was a long-lost friend. The service was great. Six hundred store closings will do that.
They even opened a can of Double Shot so I could have a taste. Didn’t like it. They gave me another sample before I ended up with two large cups of iced coffee to take home.
The coffee was too strong for my taste but it was easy to remedy. After heating the coffee in a microwave, a generous amount of low-fat whipped cream was stirred in before adding a teaspoon of vanilla. It turned out pretty good - almost as good as McDonald’s iced coffee.
Later I’ll pick up some bottles of Frappachino of various flavors. That will be another “take-out” - no fun drinking coffee in an empty store.