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"Somebody has to go after ACORN," Senior District Judge Richard H. Zoller said about the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
The judge said it's happening all over the country. “All you have to do is turn on the television," he said, referring to voter registration fraud charges brought recently against ACORN and its workers in Nevada.
More of the story here.
The Supreme Court today narrowly ruled in favor of white firefighters in New Haven, Conn., who said they were denied promotions because of their race, reversing a decision by Judge Sonia Sotomayor (pictured) that had come to play a large role in the consideration of her nomination for the high court.
The city had thrown out the results of a promotion test because no African Americans and only two Hispanics would have qualified for promotions. It said it feared a lawsuit from minorities under federal laws that said such "disparate impacts" on test results could be used to show discrimination.
In effect, the court was deciding when avoiding potential discrimination against one group amounted to actual discrimination against another.
Without leaning on affirmative action, Obama and his handlers could not possibly have selected Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court nominee.
Convicted Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff (pictured) was sentenced to 150 years in prison Monday for a fraud so extensive that the judge said he needed to send a message to potential imitators and to victims who demanded harsh punishment.
Scattered applause and whoops broke out in the crowded Manhattan courtroom after U.S. District Judge Denny Chin issued the maximum sentence to the 71-year-old defendant.
The judge said a conservative estimate of the amount Madoff cost his victims is more than $13 billion.
Bernard Madoff owned several homes including a $6.5 million penthouse in a building on Manhattan’s Upper Eastside shown above.
Now he resides in this cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center prison in New York awaiting transfer to a prison where he will spend the rest of his life.
Before sentencing, one victim said, “Life has been a living hell. It feels like the nightmare we can't wake from.”
Another said, “He stole from the rich. He stole from the poor. He stole from the in between. He has no values. He cheated his victims out of their money so he and his wife Ruth could live a life of luxury beyond belief,”
The average age considered "old" by respondents was 68 -- but there were real differences in perception driven by the respondents' own ages:
More than half of those under 30 say the average person becomes old before 60.
Middle-aged respondents say it's closer to 70.
Those aged 65 and older say "old" is not until 75."What you find is the older people are, the more people push back the age that is old," says Russell Ward, a sociologist who focuses on aging at the University at Albany, State University of New York, and who was not involved in the survey. "It's more in your future. You're not there yet."
But isn’t it how a person feels that determines when a person thinks they are old?
We all know people who look and act much younger than their biological age.
I have often said (with tongue-in-cheek) that sometimes I feel much younger than my calendar years. Other times, however, I get the urge to ship a case of prune juice to the nearest nursing home along with a signed note saying, “hold for arrival.”
Seriously, the secret of aging is to stay young at heart no matter how old the rest of your body is.
The Kremlin has offered the gambling industry only one option for survival: relocate to four regions in remote areas of Russia, as many as 4,000 miles from the capital.
The potential marketing slogans -- Come to the Las Vegas of Siberia! Have a Ball near the North Korean Border! -- may not sound inviting, but that is in part what the government envisions.
None of the four regions are prepared for the transfer, and no casino is expected to reopen for several years leaving the industry’s workers out on the street indefinitely.
Television pitchman Billy Mays (pictured), who built his fame by appearing on commercials and infomercials promoting household products and gadgets, died Sunday.
Mays, 50, was found unresponsive by his wife inside his Tampa, Fla., home at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday, according to the Tampa Police Department.
Mays reportedly had a very pleasant personality and was very approachable.
However, if you ever watched late-night TV, you knew a different Billy Mays. He would pop up every few minutes in yet another commercial, bellowing as if he thought the whole world has gone a little deaf. That’s probably I why never could get myself to buy OxiClean.
No matter how nice Billy Mays was off camera, he had me reaching for the mute button on the remote more than any other single person.
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