Three lion cubs are seen in the lion's enclosure, at Belgrade Zoo, Serbia last summer.
The cubs were born Aug. 13, from mother African lion Kiara, and father white lion Wambo, who is a top attraction at Belgrade Zoo.
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...from Matt Drudge
Once again Fox News stands head and shoulders above the others with Anderson Cooper barely edging our Chris Matthews for last place.
We wonder if CNN regrets dumping Aaron Brown (pictured) for Anderson “cold oatmeal” Cooper. Brown wasn’t the most exciting newsman around but at least he could talk at the camera without stammering.
Slim and sleek as it is, the iPhone is really the Hummer of cellphones.
It’s a data guzzler. Owners use them like minicomputers, which they are, and use them a lot.Not only do iPhone owners download applications, stream music and videos and browse the Web at higher rates than the average smartphone user, but the average iPhone owner can also use 10 times the network capacity used by the average smartphone user.
The result is dropped calls, spotty service, delayed text and voice messages and glacial download speeds as AT&T’s cellular network strains to meet the demand.
Another result is outraged customers.
Somali pirates attacked the container ship Maersk Alabama (pictured) for the second time in seven months. Private guards on board the US-flagged ship repelled the attack with gunfire and a high-decibel noise device.
Pirates hijacked the Maersk Alabama last April and took ship captain Richard Phillips hostage, holding him at gunpoint in a lifeboat for five days. Navy Seal sharpshooters freed Phillips while killing three pirates in a night-time attack.
Information about the first Maersk Alabama hijacking can be found here.
Click here for more information about the second Maersk Alabama hijacking.
What does it take to get a wavering senator to vote for health care reform?
Here’s a case study.
On page 432 of the Reid bill, there is a section increasing federal Medicaid subsidies for “certain states recovering from a major disaster.”
The section spends two pages defining which “states” would qualify. Guess what, only one state qualifies - Louisiana.
Louisiana is the home of moderate Democrat Mary Landrieu, who has been playing hard to get on the health care bill.
Senator Harry Reid, who drafted the bill, cannot pass it without the support of Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu.
How much will this cost to get Landrieu’s vote?
According to the Congressional Budget Office: $100 million.
More here including the incredibly complicated language of that section of the bill.
"We didn't even have to advertise in the paper this year," Captain Thomas Fenton with the Salvation Army said. "We're getting a lot of applications this year and a lot of first-time applicants."
Captain Fenton said applications are up 100 percent this year when compared with last.
"We're seeing people from all walks of life now," Fenton said. "I think the economy has frightened people. It's frightened them no matter what they earn."
It's something a spokesperson for the regional Salvation Army said he is seeing statewide.
We thought Salvation Army red kettle bell ringers were all volunteers. Most of them in Colorado are paid somewhere in the $8.50 to $9 an hour range.
Two fingers to technology!
Their missing thumb and index fingertips give you the freedom to touch, tap, stroke, slide and pinch your devices' controls in any way you desire.
The cost is a little over $33 a pair plus shipping from the UK.
More information here.
Chicago politics, where voting is such a revered civic duty that people do it even after they're dead, cold, stiff, stuffed, boxed and buried beneath the permafrost for years, has now come to D.C. with the Obama administration.
This afternoon comes the most encouraging economic news, courtesy of our keen-eyed buddy Rick Klein over at ABC, that the Obama administration's $787-billion economic stimulus has, for example, thankfully created 30 new jobs in a little-known rural corner of Arizona at a cost to American taxpayers of only $761,420 ($25,380.67 per job).
So the people of that 15th Congressional District in staunchly Republican Arizona should be pretty happy about this.
Trouble is, there is no 15th Congressional District in Arizona. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Doesn't exist. Not in Arizona. Not even on paper at the Democratic National Committee. There are only eight. Period.
The administration's recovery.gov website reported these jobs as being created there.
The report goes on:
But then the trouble is that just months after grandly unveiling the recovery.gov website to showcase its economic prowess and tech-savvy, the Obama administration just spent 18 million additional taxpayer dollars to redesign the still new website.
And that site proudly also reported nonexistent new stimulus spending not just in Arizona but other states across the country.
How many other stimulus jobs have been reported as saved in fictional congressional districts?
Regardless of how lively an election season might be, a new study shows that more 3.3 million voters on current registration rolls across the country are dead.
Another 12.9 million remain on voter registration lists in an area where they are no longer alive.
We wonder if there is anything to the rumor about the George Soros-funded SOS Project? It’s a liberal strategy to install a liberal Secretary of States in every state to aid and abet Democrat voter fraud perpetrated by ACORN and the SEIU and UAW labor unions.
This is not your fathers Democratic party!
It seems like something written into a television program. A burgeoning star in the NBA, whose fame is dependent upon the name he's made for himself, decides to switch for no apparent reason at all.
According to the Denver Post J.R. Smith announced on Tuesday before the Nuggets game in Chicago that “from now on, he wanted to be called by his given name, Earl.”
Now he wants sports writers and announcers to go back to calling him J.R.
The name it is ‘a changin.’
News photos of President Barack Obama bowing to Japan's emperor have incensed critics here, who said the US leader should stand tall when representing America overseas.
Obama is in China today but the report says:
Washington's punditocracy was still weighing whether or not the US president had disgraced his country two days earlier by having taken a deep bow at the waist while meeting Japan's Emperor Akihito.
William Kristol said, “it's not appropriate for an American president to bow to a foreign one.” Bill Bennett said, “It's ugly. I don't want to see it.”
"I'll bet if you look at pictures of world leaders over 20 years meeting the emperor in Japan, they don't bow," Kristol said.
Some said the gesture was particularly grating coming after Obama's bow to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah at a G20 meeting in April (shown in photo below).
A breakdown of noteworthy expenses:Interment costs in the Great Mausoleum of Forest Lawn-Glendale: $590,000
Confused Palm Beach County voters helped thwart Al Gore's 2000 bid to become president of the United States, but he was introduced as "president of the planet" when he returned here Saturday night to deliver an environmental lecture.
Former vice president Al Gore spoke on climate change at the Mizner Park Amphitheater to a crowd of about 800. However, more than 200 protesters gathered across the street from the event, and their boos and chants could be heard inside the amphitheater as Gore began his presentation.
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