A lion named Laith, yawns in its enclosure at Ghamadan zoo near Amman, Jordan
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The two-ton “Frozen Gore” sculpture (pictured) isn’t exactly a tribute. It’s a tongue-in-cheek critique of Gore’s vocal belief in man-made climate change, complete with hot air pouring out of his mouth.
The hot air coming from the mouth of ‘Frozen Gore’ is provided by the exhaust from a pickup truck.
Local businessmen Craig Compeau and Rudy Gavora contracted the piece from award-winning sculptor Steve Dean and say they’ll keep erecting one each winter until Gore accepts an invitation to discuss the global warming issue in Fairbanks.
They may well be doing the “Frozen Gore” for many years because Mr. Gore refuses to debate his global warming views, called “globalony” by many.
Whenever Al Gore shows his movie presentation, questions are not permitted and in most cases the media is not allowed inside.
1 Attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.
2. Attempted murder within an aircraft in the jurisdiction of the US.
3. Willful attempt to destroy an aircraft within the jurisdiction of the US.
4. Willfully placing a destructive device on an aircraft, which was likely to endanger safety of such aircraft.
5. Possession of a firearm/destructive in furtherance of a crime of violence.
Dropping the exam would bolster minority hiring and avert legal battles, according to one source, while others confirm that the exam could be scrapped to open the process to as many people as possible.
However, the lack of an exam would make Chicago the lone major city without one, and experts contend that the exam is integral to eliminating unqualified applicants.
And as of last year, one in four patrol officers were African-American, but just one in 12 Lieutenants were of color.
Without an entrance exam, there would eventually be a much larger number of black patrol officers and almost no black Lieutenants as well as a less qualified police force in general.This is a result of the failing public schools in Chicago that push kids through who often don’t have the basic skills.
It is disconcerting to realize that Mr. Obama chose Arne Duncan (pictured), the former Superintendent of Chicago Public Schools, to be the Secretary of Education.
Democratic Gov. Bill Ritter of Colorado, who was in for a tough reelection fight this year, canceled a scheduled fundraiser this evening and has decided not to seek reelection.
The all-but-assured Democratic nominee for governor in Michigan, Lt. Gov. John Cherry, ended his bid today.
Sen. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota announced he will not seek reelection this year.
And then there is Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd who is possibly the most vulnerable statewide Democratic incumbent. Dodd will likely be asked by the party to step aside.
UPDATE - Dodd has already been asked to retire as reported here.
Back to the report on ABC:
LinkYou will certainly hear a lot of talk from Republicans that Democrats are beginning to face the reality of just how tough the current political landscape looks for them and they are running for the hills.
Margarita Velasco delivered the twins by cesarean section at Tampa General Hospital.
Marcello was delivered just before midnight. His twin, Stephano, was delivered just as the new year began.
The twins will celebrate their birthdays one day apart.
LinkIn December, the number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats fell to the lowest level recorded in more than seven years of monthly tracking by Rasmussen Reports.
Number of Democrats falls to new low, down six points since the 2008 election.
Yet there is no sign that Democrat Congressmen have any intention of slowing down the left-wing agenda that has been unpopular with the American people.
After losing the White House and nearly 70 congressional seats in the last two elections, Republicans are poised for a strong comeback in 2010, with significant gains likely in the House and a good chance of boosting their numbers in the Senate and statehouses across the country.
All 435 House seats, 36 in the Senate and the governorships of 37 states will be on the ballot in November.
Some of the Democrats' most prominent figures, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, are in serious danger as they seek reelection. Both would probably lose if elections were held today.
Last spring, Democrats seemed well positioned to add Senate seats. Today, a Republican gain appears more probable, costing Democrats their 60-vote supermajority and ability to stop GOP filibusters.
When possible, we like to back up what we blog about with links to more detail on the internet.
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