This is what happens when a quilter makes a jacket. This is another look at the coat of many patterns Valeta made a couple of years ago.
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The grieving widow has kept the memory of her dead husband alive for their two children - by creating a life-sized cardboard cut-out to keep in the family home.
The 6ft 1in cardboard cut-out of Paul stands in the family home he once shared with them.
The cut-out even made an appearance at his own funeral and attended his best friend's wedding weeks after his death.
The children have even dressed him up in a Santa outfit at Christmas and as Dracula on Halloween.
Obama noted that lawmakers may lack the "appetite" to take on immigration while many of them are up for re-election and while another big legislative issue — climate change — is already on their plate.
“I don't want us to do something just for the sake of politics that doesn't solve the problem.”
But wasn’t ObamaCare “something just for the sake of politics that doesn't solve the problem?”
The chief Medicare actuary declares that “overall national health expenditures under the health reform act would increase by a total of $311 billion”. Moreover, within five years of implementation, the plan will cost employers $87 billion in penalties for failing to provide government-approved insurance.
Despite crushing costs, and the likelihood of Medicare cuts “jeopardizing access to care,” 23 million Americans will still be uninsured nine years from now.
If these numbers from the Department of Health and Human Services had been available before final House votes, it’s doubtful Congress would have approved this ill-conceived initiative.
A steamroller has crushed about 7,000 fake Rolex watches in Philadelphia under the orders of federal authorities seeking to deter would-be counterfeiters.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials say the watches were seized from Binh Cam Tran, who pleaded guilty last year to charges including trafficking in counterfeit goods.
Tran is serving six years in federal prison. He has been ordered to pay more than $2.2 million to the Rolex Co.
Authorities say Tran fabricated hundreds of thousands of fake Rolex watches in his home near Philadelphia. Officials seized about 24,000 counterfeit watches and enough parts to create 1 million more.
Security experts have warned that Apple iPad users are being targeted by cyber criminals.
Hackers are trying to dupe iPad owners in to downloading a fake iTunes update on their Windows computer, which, when installed, creates a backdoor for cyber criminals, allowing them to remotely access the machine or even use the computer to send spam messages.
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SMU political scientist Cal Jillson says the high profile trial, and long prison terms, should not be considered an end to questionable behavior in local politics.
Britain's airspace was closed under false pretences, with satellite images revealing there was no doomsday volcanic ash cloud over the entire country.
Skies fell quiet for six days, leaving as many as 500,000 Britons stranded overseas and costing airlines hundreds of millions of pounds.
Estimates put the number of Britons still stuck abroad at 35,000.
Evidence has emerged that the maximum density of the ash was only about one 20th of the limit that scientists, the Government, and aircraft and engine manufacturers have now decided is safe.
The two big questions remaining -- who will be sued and when will the lawsuits begin?
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The remains of Noah's Ark have been discovered 13,000 feet up a Turkish mountain -- according to a sensational claim by evangelical explorers.
The group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers say wooden remains they have discovered on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey are the remains of Noah's Ark.
The group claims that carbon dating proves the relics are 4,800 years old, meaning they date to around the same time the ark was said to be afloat.
Mt. Ararat has long been suspected as the final resting place of the craft by evangelicals and literalists hoping to validate biblical stories.
Washington politicians began an aggressive push to bend the rules and force their unpopular health care bill on an unwilling nation.
They went into secret negotiations to make up their own rules, and eventually found a way to circumvent the will of the people by using the reconciliation process to ram through their health care bill.
For the last year, the American people have been shaking their heads at the closed-door meetings, sweetheart deals, and special carve-outs.
It has been a very ugly process, and caused many Americans to lose faith in their elected officials in Washington.
Democrats will undoubtedly pay for this in the November elections.
A new vaccine against Alzheimer's, developed by the Austrian biotechnology firm Affiris, will soon be tested in six European countries, the company announced Friday.
Some 420 patients will be recruited to take part in clinical trials in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany and Slovakia.
The vaccine was already tested for safety and tolerability over the past year.
The clinical trials will now test its efficacy, with results expected as early as 2012.
Traffic police in the western city of Nantes fined the 31-year-old woman euro22 ($29) in early April, her lawyer said. The fine was based on a rule that says drivers should have freedom of movement and a sufficient field of vision.
The fine was small, but it garnered big attention Friday and may illustrate what is to come as the president pushes to outlaw the veils nationwide.
President Nicholas Sarkozy raised the stakes Wednesday in France’s drive to abolish the all-encompassing veil, ordering a draft law banning them in all public places. He insists the veils oppress women, and decided to defy France’s highest administrative body, which says such a full ban could be found unconstitutional.
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Aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist -- but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.
Hawking’s logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.
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