Just before the camera self-portrait timer clicked a squirrel found its way into the photo.
News from PERRY'S CAVE - You can easily search this blog by entering key words in the search box above
Barack Obama and the Democratic leadership have nationalized healthcare by proxy.
Insurance companies are now heavily regulated government contractors.
The Obama administration has turned the insurance industry into the Blackwater of socialized medicine.
The legislation allocates $10 billion to pay for 16,500 IRS agents who will collect and enforce mandatory "premiums."
The Obama administration is moving right along:
ObamaBanks - check
ObamaCars - check
ObamaCare - check
ObamaCarbonTax - that’s next on the list
ObamaAmnesty - coming soon
ObamaUnionCardCheck - coming soon
Is anything missing from the list above?
Etymology: Eponym for Rep. Bart Stupak.
Function: verb
1: In a legislative process, to obstruct passage of a proposed law on the basis of a moral principle (i.e., protecting the unborn), accumulating power in the process, then at a key moment surrendering in exchange for a fig leaf, the size of which varies according to the degree of emasculation of said legislator and/or as a reflection of just how stupid people are presumed to be. (Slang: backstabber.)
Will Mr. Stupak live it down? In political circles the answer is probably “no.”
There were reportedly many donations sent to Stupak’s district to assist his opponent in the November election within hours of his "yes" vote.
The Washington Post report goes on:
More herePoor Bart Stupak. The man tried to be a hero for the unborn, and then, when all the power of the moment was in his frail human hands, he dropped the baby.
He genuflected when he should have dug in his heels and gave it up for a meaningless executive order.
Now, in the wake of his decision to vote for a health-care bill that expands public funding for abortion, he is vilified and will forever be remembered as the guy who Stupaked health-care reform and the pro-life movement.
Their votes helped deliver President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Now, dozens of Democrats are politically imperiled in a contentious environment where emotions are raw and likely to remain so.
Obama plans to use his political heft—and the momentum of victory—to try to prop up lawmakers who stuck with him during the final days that turned the controversial legislation into the law of the land.
They may need more help he can give them.
Obama promised wavering Democrats, primarily moderates in conservative-leaning districts and states, that they wouldn't be left standing alone if they cast the tough "yes" votes.
In all, 17 Democrats who sided with Obama are seeking re-election in districts that Republican presidential candidate John McCain won in 2008.
They include top GOP targets Perriello in Virginia, Betsey Markey in Colorado, Harry Mitchell in Arizona and Suzanne Kosmas in Florida.
One other moderate Democrat now running for the Senate—Brad Ellsworth in Indiana—voted for the measure, too. He's facing a difficult race in a right-tilting state as Democrats seek to hang onto the seat now held by retiring Sen. Evan Bayh.
The big question is - can Obama save their House and Senate seats?
More here.
Bernie Madoff took money from people who thought he'd invested it, gave some to others who thought it was a partial return on their earlier investments and kept much for himself. That's called a Ponzi scheme, and his $50 billion fraud was called the biggest ever. But it wasn't the biggest. Social Security and Medicare are much bigger ones.
Social Security and Medicare are trillion-dollar scams. Medicare has a $36 trillion unfunded liability. Social Security's is $8 trillion. There's no money to keep those promises.
Congress isn't investigating the SS and Medicare scams because congress runs them.
The FICA money the government took out of your paycheck and put aside for your retirement is gone.
There's nothing left but IOUs backed by nothing.
Your money was spent not only on current retirees but on wars, welfare, corporate bailouts, earmarks and all the other stuff Congress wants. For years, this was possible because the FICA tax brought in surpluses that allowed government to pay retirees more than they contributed and still help buy those other things.
Then came the newly retiring baby boomers. In 2008, for the first time, Medicare and SS paid out more than it took in.
So instead of filling the government's coffers and hiding the real size of the budget deficit, the entitlement programs have now begun to drain the treasury.
Part of the "problem" is that we live longer. When Social Security started, most people didn't live to 65. Now we average 78.
Social Security and Medicare right now consume almost half the federal budget.
Now, with the pork-laden ObamaCare monstrosity, it won’t be long before SS and Medicare swallow the entire federal budget.
As Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, points out: "You literally cannot tax your way out of this problem. It's not mathematically possible. ... You wipe out the middle class."
When Bart Stupak (pictured) announced Sunday he was now a "yes" on the health-care bill, six Democrats stood with him. Even that handful would have been enough to defeat the bill. Instead, they accepted the fig leaf of an executive order—and threw away all the hard-won gains they had made.
Now Mr. Stupak has thrown it away. By caving at the last hour, he discredited all who stood with him.
The executive order issued by Obama to restrict government funding for abortions isn’t worth the paper it was written on. An executive order can’t change a law but Stupak fell for it.
Will the Stupak amendment of November, 2009 be referred to as the “stupid amendment” from now on?
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, has introduced a bill that would seek out and terminate federal workers with "seriously delinquent tax debt" while also preventing the hire of any new employees who owe money to the IRS.
"If you get to the point where the government is putting a lien on their property and they've exhausted their appeals ... the right thing to do is fire them as a federal worker," he told ABC. "If you're going to take federal tax dollars, you should be paying your federal taxes."
More here.
The results of the CNN/OR survey are out and they point to the most vivid reality of the ObamaCare victory - 219 House Democrats were willing to flout the clear majority of Americans on this issue.
Following are the major initial points of interest in the CNN/OR results:
* 59% oppose the Democrats’ health care bill, while only 39% favor it.
* 70% say the federal budget deficit will go up under the Democrats’ health care bill; only 12% believe it will go down.
* 56% say the bill creates “too much government involvement in the nation's health care system,” 28% say about the right amount, while 16% say not enough.
* 62% say they'll pay more for medical care under the Democrats’ health care bill.
* 47% say they and their families will be worse off under the Democrats’ health care bill; 33% say things will be about the same, and only 19% think they’ll be better off.
* 45% say seniors on Medicare will be worse off; 34% say things will be about the same, and only 20% think they’ll be better off.
We may be about to live Benjamin Franklin’s adage, “People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”
Mr. Clinton, known to friend and foe alike as a gifted political orator, showed he hasn’t lost much in that category in the nine years since he left the White House.
Presidential speeches to the Gridiron—an organization of Washington journalists—are supposed to be humorous, and Mr. Clinton knew the drill well from his time as a regular dinner guest during his term.
So he got loosened up at Saturday night’s white-tie dinner with a joke at his own expense: “I have been waiting to stand in for President Obama for a long time,” he said, “ and since they turned me down for Dancing with the Stars, I had nothing better to do.”
Besides himself, Clinton had fun with others:
Barack Obama
Clinton said Obama couldn’t make the dinner because he was too busy polishing up his Nobel Peace Prize.
Mr. Clinton said he suggested to Obama that he at least come and appear before the journalists assembled at the dinner anyway, to pitch his health bill again, but then added, in a reference to the senior status of journalists in the Gridiron Club, that he realized “they’re so old they won’t be helped by what’s in there.”
Al Gore
Bill Clinton said he was speaking on the night before the start of spring, “otherwise known to Al Gore as proof of global warming.”
Joe Biden
God bless his mouth.
Senator Orrin Hatch
Clinton praised a speech given earlier in the dinner by the night’s Republican speaker, Orrin Hatch: “Orrin, he’s the wittiest of all the Republicans. That’s sort of like saying he’s the tallest of the Seven Dwarfs.”
At 10:48 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time, the United States House of Representatives passed the Senate ObamaCare bill with 219 yay votes and 212 nays.
The Stupak cave-in turned out to be critical. Nancy Pelosi got her “historic” victory, as did President Obama. House Democrats began chanting, “Yes we can.”
What brought about the Stupak cave-in?
Barack Obama signed an executive order intended to prevent government funding for abortion.
In the past an executive order could not change a law. Will rules be changed to make it happen now?Was Congressman Stupak (pictured) so naïve as to think that the executive order would really hold up?
Hard to say, but one thing is for sure, he is thankful that Barack Obama gave him an alibi, to give his constituents for his “yes” vote on ObamaCare, abortion language and all.
Link here and here.
Dan Rather (pictured) was on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC borefest last night when he said, ‘I think it — not seems to be, I think it will be. It will be the signature achievement of this first term, perhaps the only term, but a signature achievement of President Obama`s this term.’
He followed that up with his belief that if health care reform passes, ‘ I expect it will be in the first paragraph of President Obama`s obituary.’ And then goes on to point out that it could very well be a one-term presidency.
It is interesting to note that the report calls Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC program a “borefest.” At least she manages to stay ahead of Anderson “cold oatmeal” Cooper (second link below).
The Dan Rather comment is here. Cable News program recent ranking list is here.
What makes Donna different from other online pin up girls, Donna is a 43-stone (603 lbs) mother of two.
Photo shows Donna Simpson eating at a McDonald’s in Old Bridge, New Jersey.
Donna, who wears size XXXXXXXL clothes, is on her way to becoming the world's fattest woman.
She is already in the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest woman in the world to give birth.
Donna's goal is to reach 72 stone (900 lbs) but she thinks this may not be practical.
After hearing out everyone from President Obama to tea party activists, Dover Democrat Zack Space (pictured) announced today that he'll oppose the health care reform bill that's up for a vote on Sunday in the House of Representatives.
Space, who represents a sprawling southeast Ohio congressional district with a high concentration of Republicans, said he doesn't like the bill, and his constituents don't like it, either.
How many other Democrat Congressmen from moderate or conservative districts will decide last minute to vote no rather than face election defeat in November?
His reasons for changing his vote can be found here.
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