It is played daily at noon and 7 p.m. (except Sundays) at Macy’s department store in Philadelphia (formerly Wanamaker’s department store).
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I think the 'Clueless' movie was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness.
Sounds like she earned the award fair and square.
Just two weeks ago, the FAA issued a directive ordering operators of the Pilatus PC-12 model (pictured) to check for a potential problem with a control mechanism.
The directive does not go into effect until March 30, and it's not clear if the Montana plane had undergone an inspection of the mechanism, called a stick-pusher.
The device is a back-up mechanism that can help pilots with a "last-ditch" effort to control a troubled plane, says an expert.
“Anything that could have affected the ability of this pilot to control the pitch of the plane is on the table.” Investigators have actually found the Montana plane's stick-pusher and see no problems so far.
The 17 California Family Planning clinics perform more abortions in the state than any other abortion provider - Planned Parenthood included - and they perform abortions through the first five months of pregnancy.
Although Dr. Feldkamp is not an abortionist, he reaps profits from babies that are killed through abortions performed every year at the clinics he owns.
Americans are turning away in large numbers from hybrid cars at a time when automakers are preparing to flood the marketplace with even more of them. reports nationwide sales drops of:
Toyota Prius sales dropped 30.8 percent last month, compared with February 2007.
Toyota Camry Hybrid sales were off for the month by 47.4 percent.
Honda's Civic Hybrid sales were off 21.5 percent.Toyota Highlander Hybrid sales were off 48.6 percent.
Sales of hybrids are affected by more than just gas prices.
Fuel economy ratings are improving for cars with conventional engines.
Despite educational efforts by the auto industry and others, there still are some consumers who question the reliability and durability of hybrids.
The biggest issue, however, is that "there's still a premium for buying a car with a hybrid system," said Jack Nerad, editorial director at Kelley Blue Book. Hybrids can cost as much as $5,000 more than a comparable conventional vehicle.
The engineering is more complicated, there's more components and the battery packs themselves are quite expensive. And in terms of interior space, accommodations and power, you will have to pay more for a hybrid to get comparable performance in all of those areas.
How many car buyers worry about how well they would be protected from the electricity in a collision.
How much longer will it take for the “jaws of life” operators to extract you from the car because they will be worried about electric shock?
Unless the Obama administration dictates that gas prices go up to $10 per gallon - or put a tax on non-hybrids so that hybrids will be less costly (and don’t rule out either), hybrid sales will probably continue to tumble.
In the meanwhile, the Obama administration will insist that Detroit automakers make more hybrids in order to keep getting bailout money.
Fifteen men were executed in ‘Old Sparky’, which is located about 210 miles east of McCook at the Nebraska State Penitentiary in Lincoln.
The most notable was the execution of Charles Starkweather in 1959. The Starkweather murder spree left 11 people dead in Nebraska and Wyoming.
We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
Ominus warning - the fight will come later when they have an army! That would be the ACORN “Brownshirts.”
Last July Mr. Obama said:
We cannot continue to rely on our military to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Will the ACORN Brownshirts be the Obama civilian national security force?
If so, how will it differ from the Hitler Youth organization of the 1930’s and 1940’s?
"We have 14,000 sold orders with the money in the bank," says Chevy general manager Ed Peper, who's confident the return of the long-hood, short-deck sports coupe that bowed for the 1967 model year will be a success despite a down market. "Camaro is a shot in the arm needed to make people feel good."
The 1908 Model T — think about this — the 1908 Model T earned better gas mileage than the typical SUV in 2008.
Think about that: 100 years later, and we're getting worse gas mileage, not better, on SUVs.
Ford's own Web site says the Model T's mileage ranged from 13 to 21 miles per gallon. Some Tin Lizzie enthusiasts who still drive the vehicles report numbers closer to the bottom end of that range.I owned a 1925 Model T (pictured) when I was in High School. I never did check the mileage because it didn’t have an odometer.
What I can tell you is that comparing a Model T to a present day SUV is like comparing an 1800’s covered wagon train to the Amtrak California Zephyr.
With its 20 horsepower engine, I had a hard time keeping up with traffic while driving my Model T on the streets of Lincoln, Nebraska. It was a novelty but mostly I drove my little green convertible.
A 2008 Ford Explorer has 200 horsepower and is more than twice the weight of my Model T.
And finally: can you imagine what would be left of a Model T after a crash test at 50mph? Even the crash dummy would be unrecognizable!
A Cub Scout knows that comparing vehicles that are that different is misleading at best.
The Ellsworths say gas has been leaking into their water well from a nearby gas well for the last six months. They say the gas companies are working on a well water treatment system, possibly for the entire community, but that any solution will take time.
Aimee Ellsworth says their only clue that something was wrong was the pressure of the water.
"It crashed, made noises. I thought this isn't normal."
She says tests found explosive levels of the gas in her basement, bathroom and by her water well.
The rural Ellsworth home is located within a half mile of eight natural gas wells.
Until the leak is fixed, the Ellsworth home is a fire hazard as gas mixed with water can burst into flame when lit with a match whenever a faucet is turned on.
Their dream home in the country has become a nightmare.
More of the story here.
Smoking kills. And if you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.
You just can’t make up stuff like this.
The provision was introduced by Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and passed by a 73-24 vote.
Nevada Democratic Senator Harry Reid (pictured) voted against the measure, while Nevada Republican Senator John Ensign supported it.
The reason Reid gives in an attempt to justify his desire to allow Nevada gambling casinos to receive stimulus funds is weak:
Reid argues that casinos are often the only suitable space for conferences and workshops held by community organizations.
He also cites a women's group that often uses casino hotel rooms as transitional housing for victims of violence.
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