Jul 31, 2010
Condoleezza Rice playing the piano with the Philadelphia Orchestra

Sun dried bear on the rocks
Jul 30, 2010
Record-braking 8th inning in the Rockies - Cubs baseball game

Every Rockies batter got at least one hit in the eighth inning as they a scored record-breaking 12 runs on 11 straight hits - a major league record.
The Rockies batted around twice in the inning.
It took the Cubs 28 minutes to get the final out in the bottom of the 8th inning. The score was 5-2 when the inning began.
And this was only the second win for the Rockies since losing 8 straight games.
No wonder managers turn gray.
Cycle riding cockatoo
Elegant but high maintenance beard
Nailed: Rangel hit with 13 ethics charges
The House ethics committee charged Rep. Charles B. Rangel (pictured) with 13 separate violations of House rules Thursday, saying his various financial dealings broke the "public trust." The long-awaited release of the charges against Rangel at an afternoon hearing was the first formal step toward a possible ethics trial in mid-September.
When last minute settlement negotiations broke down, the committee announced that it had found "substantial reason to believe" that the Harlem Democrat had:
Violated House rules or federal laws by soliciting donations from people with business before his committee to fund a center named in his honor at City College of New York, not paying taxes on a Caribbean home, improperly using a rent-stabilized apartment in New York as a campaign office, and not properly disclosing more than $600,000 in income and assets.
Only a few of his fellow Democrats have called on Rangel to resign. More could join in asking for a Rangel resignation now that the allegations have been detailed.
This is an embarrassment Democrats can do without going into the fall elections.
Jul 29, 2010
On Angel wings
The Arizona immigration decision
Judge Susan Bolton bought the Justice Department's preemption argument — i.e., the claim that the federal government has broad and exclusive authority to regulate immigration, and therefore that any state measure that is inconsistent with federal law is invalid.
The Arizona law is completely consistent with federal law. The judge, however, twisted to concept of federal law into federal enforcement practices (or, as it happens, lack thereof).
In effect, the court is saying that if the feds refuse to enforce the law the states can't do it either because doing so would transgress the federal policy of non-enforcement ... which is nuts.
This appears to be a classic case of a liberal judge, appointed by President Bill Clinton, bowing to the wishes of an even more liberal administration in Washington.
Did Judge Bolton make the ruling strictly on her own or did she get instructions (orders) from Eric Holder or someone else in the administration?
More here.
The Hoar Cross Downhill Soap Box race
The Empire strikes back - Darth Vader robs a bank
Detectives say the man walked into the bank wearing a full head mask and a blue cape. The only part of the uniform that was out of place were his camouflage pants.
This Darth Vader apparently traded his light saber for a handgun.
At least one person in the bank didn't think the robbery was legit - at first.
More here.
Report: Rangel in a sleaze squeeze

Rangel, however, does not want to go quietly.
As Lucianne Goldberg said, "it's tough to drain the swamp, when the biggest alligator just won't go down."
More here.
Jul 28, 2010
No more debating in your underwear in Boulder
The days when a citizen could address the Boulder City Council wearing only underwear may be over.
The council will vote on new decorum rules in September, seven months after a resident stepped up to a microphone in his boxers.
The rules were already under review, but that incident led to a proposed ban on undressing during meetings.
Comic-Con International
Russian prosecutors Investigate parasailing donkey stunt
Amateur video footage showed men attaching a parasail harness to the trembling mule.

Russia Today reported the donkey was shell-shocked but survived.
Reports said the donkey flight was a promotional stunt.
Employees of a leisure firm in the village of Golubitskaya on the Azov Sea could face two years in prison if they are charged and convicted of animal cruelty.
Link here and here.
GM electric Volt comes with sticker shock
The long-anticipated Chevrolet Volt, General Motors' electric car, will cost $41,000, the company announced Tuesday, leaving consumers to decide whether its environmental appeal is worth a price far above that of similarly sized conventional autos.
The Nissan electric Leaf is expected to appear later this year and will cost $32,780.
GM and Nissan are relying on a $7,500 federal tax credit for buyers of electric vehicles to offset some of the added cost, and they're hoping that the allure of their novel power source will make up the rest.
More here.
Rep. Barney Frank caused scene over $1 on way to gay club
Frank, the Massachusetts ultra liberal Democrat was turned down by ticket clerks at the dock in Sayville because he didn't have the required Suffolk County Senior Citizens ID.
A witness reports, "Frank made such a drama over the senior rate that I contemplated offering him the dollar to cool down the situation."
Frank's partner, James Ready, asked the ticket office for a regular ticket for himself and a senior ticket for Frank, but was turned down because Frank didn't have a resident ID.
Jul 27, 2010
Ethics challenged Rangel lashes out

"Why don't you wait until you know what the facts are?" the Harlem Democrat snapped at one reporter, after calling his ongoing ethics probe "traumatic."
He was especially grouchy over suggestions Democratic allies like Gov. Paterson, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and Sen. Chuck Schumer are less than wholehearted in their support.More here.
Italian man opens manhole cover museum

Some of the covers were on temporary outdoor display.

The manhole covers are from all over the world including Amsterdam, Havana, Helsinki, Prague, Rome, Bucharest, Sarajevo and Vienna.
The museum lends dignity to objects that give access to storm drains, sewers, underground pipes, etc.
Woman robs McDonalds using underwear as mask

The "Fruit of the Loom" bandit struck a McDonald's in Midwest City, a suburb of Oklahoma City.
Germany considers a fat tax
The report says Germany, famed for its beer, pork and chocolates, is one of the fattest countries in Europe with twenty-one percent of German adults said to have been obese in 2007.
Health economist wants to tackle the problem of fattening snacks in order to raise money and reduce obesity.
"One should, as with tobacco, tax the purchase of unhealthy consumer goods at a higher rate and partly maintain the health system. That applies to alcohol, chocolate or risky sporting equipment such as hang-gliders."
Others want even more extreme measures such as weighing school kids each day.
The fat kids would then be reported to social services, who would have the authority to send them to health clinics.
Socialized Medicine in Britain hitting the rocks?
The sight is not pretty as NHS is cutting basic health services.
NHS is the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. It is the single-payer publicly funded healthcare system commonly referred to as British socialized medicine.
NHS has been in trouble for some time but now it appears to be hitting the rocks.
A report at the link below is titled, Axe falls on NHS services and says NHS bosses have drawn up secret plans for sweeping cuts to services, with restrictions on the most basic treatments for the sick and injured.
ObamaCare will hit the rocks much faster than socialized medicine in the UK because of the huge administrative costs necessary for the many tiers of non-medical government employees that will be required to give professional health care givers permission to treat their patients with what is now seen as basic medical procedures.
Jul 26, 2010
Bear takes car for joyride in Colorado

Ben Story, the car owner, said the car crashing into a thicket slamming the door shut. The trapped bear then shredded the interior of the car.
While Ben slept through the incident, neighbors were aroused when the bear started honking the cars horn.
Neighbors called 911. When deputies arrived they released the bear from a safe distance by pulling the door handle with a rope.
The inside of the Toyota was trashed.
Uniformed school girls at #10 Downing St
John Kerry dodges Massachusetts sales tax

Senator Kerry (pictured) has repeatedly voted to raise taxes while in Congress. Now he has dodged a whopping six-figure state tax bill on his new multimillion-dollar yacht (shown below) by mooring her in Newport, Rhode Island.

Instead of berthing the vessel in Nantucket, in the state where Kerry resides, the yacht is moored in Rode Island.
Kerry saved approximately $437,500 in sales tax plus an annual excise tax of about $70,000.
When roads go back to the Stone Age
When counties had plenty of money, they paved a lot of the roads and tried to make life easier for the people who lived there.
Now that those same counties and municipalities are cash-strapped, road repair means reclaiming the original asphalt and processing it to resemble gravel.

Paved roads, historical emblems of American achievement, are being torn up across rural America and replaced with gravel or other rough surfaces as counties struggle with tight budgets and dwindling state and federal revenue.
State money for local roads was cut in many places amid budget shortfalls.
Many hard surfaced roads are now going back to the "S
tone Age."
Jul 25, 2010
Back after an unintended short break from blogging
The bad news - it was a heart attack. The good news - the attack was minor.

The problem arose from not taking Plavix for five days prior to a spinal steroid injection for sciatica.
Ironically, the sciatica stopped last week as suddenly as it began in early March so the injection was not needed after all. Needless to say, it was a very, very long four and one half months.
It's all over now, however, and we have much to be thankful for!