The Bush economy is the greatest economic story never told.
The media has a distinct liberal bias and would rather not report news that is favorable to the president. The Bush tax cuts have been working but you will never see that reported in the main stream media.
The stock market roared after the Federal Reserve cut its target rate on Wednesday by 25 basis points to 4.5 percent.
The rate cut was a small insurance policy, just in case the subprime credit crunch and the housing downturn take a larger toll on the economy.
But listening to the Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday, you'd think it was 1929 all over again.
Kudlow asks, if things are so bad, whey are they so good?
Well, it’s all Bush’s fault. No, really.
If the president would just get a spine and stand up to all the unwarranted accusations against his administration, some of it would stop and the rest would get a fair hearing in the media.
The longer the president sits back and allows baseless charges to go unanswered, the worse it will get.
Makes one shudder to think what will happen to the economy if the anti-business, pro big government, tax and spend liberals gain control of the both the White House and Congress.
The American economy has been doing well because of the Bush administration policies but the liberal media ignores the story.
Link to the well-written Kudlow article here.