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Barack Obama plunged his presidency into a charged racial debate and set off a firestorm in one of America's most liberal bastions by siding with a black Harvard scholar who accuses police of racism.
Saying he was unaware of "all the facts" but that police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "acted stupidly" in their arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Obama whipped up emotions on both sides of an issue that threatens to open old wounds in America.
Boston University professor of politics Thomas Whalen defended Obama’s “stupid police” accusation by saying:
I think he was trying to let the majority of non-minority Americans have a sense of what it is like to a black or Latino.
Others are also making “what he meant was...” comments trying to put words in Obama’s mouth.
Many in Massachusetts, however, are saying he crossed a line by passing judgment on police while acknowledging he did not have all the facts.
Online polls in Massachusetts show strong support for the white arresting officer. A police union and his department's chief also came out strongly in his defense.
"Based on what I have seen and heard from the other officers, he maintained a professional decorum during the course of the entire situation and conducted himself in a professional manner," Cambridge Police Department Commissioner Robert Haas told a news conference.
Obama's comment stunned the city's policemen.
Others questioned whether Obama should have so strongly backed Gates, a friend, over the police without knowing fully what took place.
It appears that Mr. Obama was acting more like a community organizer from South Chicago that the President of the United States.
This racially charged diversion is good news to opponents of Obama’s health-care proposal. Almost everyone is talking about his racially charged accusation rather than what he said about health-care.
Obama gave a direct, sometimes wisecracking answer, saying that he wasn't there and didn't know if race was a factor, but that the police were "acting stupidly" to cuff the prof after he'd identified himself.
This morning, the Today show, Good Morning America and cable news led with the Gates remarks.
Health-care? Not now, racism is more important right now.
The long-standing safe route for Presidents asked to weigh in on open legal cases (or potential ones) is to say that they don't know all the facts, they want to let the justice system work.
The arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, a black man, obviously incensed Obama to the point that he turned the press conference from health-care into a racism issue into saying the police acted stupidly.
When was the last time we heard a president of the United States accuse police of acting stupidly? The answer is - never.
Anyway, Obama helped guarantee news focus on the black professor because his comments about the Gates issue were so much stronger, more animated and less vague than what he said about health care.
Hunters from Wainwright first started noticing the stuff sometime probably early last week. It's thick and dark and "gooey" and is drifting for miles in the cold Arctic waters.
The stuff is "gooey" and looks dark against the bright white ice floating in the Arctic Ocean.
The gunk reminds one of a novelty song from 1950 called The Thing. Phil Harris recorded the most popular version of the song. The lyrics of the tune is at the second link below.
The funny thing about the tune is the object was never called the Thing in the song. The lyrics can be found at the second link below.
Could the Thing from that 60-year-old tune have morphed into the blob floating off Alaska? Well no, probably not.
More on the arctic glob here. Click here for the lyrics to The Thing.
An Associated Press-GfK Poll shows that a majority of Americans are back to thinking that the country is headed in the wrong direction after a fleeting period in which more thought it was on the right track.
If a poll by the Obama friendly Associated Press shows poll results unfavorable to Barack Obama, that’s change you can believe in.
Obama still has a solid 55 percent approval rating -- better than Bill Clinton and about even with George W. Bush six months into their presidencies -- but there are growing doubts about whether he can succeed at some of the biggest items on his to-do list. And there is a growing sense that he is trying to tackle too much too soon.
The number of people who think Obama can improve the economy is down a sobering 19 percentage points from the euphoric days just before his inauguration.
The same thing with Obama’s promise to create jobs. The unemployment rates continue to climb.
Also down significantly: the share of people who think he can reduce the deficit, remove troops from Iraq and improve respect for the U.S. around the world, all slipping 15 points.
Has buyers remorse - or in this case - voters remorse set in?
Link here and here.
The Zurich-based manufacturer, one of the world's leading producers of industrial chocolate and cocoa, which it distributes to global giants such as Nestlé and Cadbury, claims its new product, called Vulcano, is the world's first — and so far only — melt-resistant, low-calorie chocolate.
Instead of melting from the heat of the tongue, it melts from the enzymes present in the saliva. No more stains or sticky fingers.
Regular chocolate starts to soften at 30°C (85°F), but Barry Callebaut says Vulcano can withstand temperatures of up to 55°C (130°F). The manufacturer also claims that its new creation has 90% fewer calories than standard chocolate because it contains less of the treat's fatty ingredients like cocoa butter.
Barry Callebaut hopes his new chocolate will melt in the hearts of chocoholics around the world.
Since Barry Callebaut has only recently started presenting his invention to chocolate manufacturers, food companies, bakeries and pastry chefs, it will likely be two years before it hits the mass market.
1. He could explicitly relax or tweak his deadline for congressional action.
2. He could explicitly reaffirm his deadline.
3. He could come out in favor of taxing Cadillac benefit plans with some specificity.
4. He could take a very specific position on his preference for an overall revenue package.
5. He could draw a line in the sand on overall cost.
6. He could issue a veto threat.
7. He could throw a major bone to the House Blue Dog Democrats on cost control.
8. He could lose his temper.
9. He could try to make congressional Republicans scapegoats using Gibbsian rhetoric.
10. He could take a series of positions that showed he was more in line with the Senate direction than the House.
11. He could say nothing new -- and make the news that he didn't make news.
Actually, Halperin left out the most important one, which would be number twelve on my list:
12. He could not turn on his teleprompter and say nothing at all.
Personally, I am hoping for number 12.
For all the concern about identity theft, researchers say there's a surprisingly easy way for the technology-savvy to figure out the precious nine digits of Americans' Social Security numbers.
Illustration from ABC News
"It's good that we found it before the bad guys," Alessandro Acquisti of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh said of the method for predicting the numbers.
The researchers were able to make the predictions using data available in public records as well as information such as birthdates cheerfully provided on social networks such as Facebook.
For people born after 1988 — when the government began issuing numbers at birth — the researchers were able to identify, in a single attempt, the first five Social Security digits for 44 percent of individuals. And they got all nine digits for 8.5 percent of those people in fewer than 1,000 attempts.
For smaller states their accuracy was considerably higher than in larger ones.
More of the story here.
Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over American citizens
The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?
These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology -- informally known as the United States' Science Czar.
In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:
Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not.
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food.
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise.
• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. No one in their right mind would say such things.
The article goes on:
Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it is no hoax, no exaggeration. John Holdren really did say those things, and this report contains the proof. You will find photographs, scans, and transcriptions of pages in the book Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977 by John Holdren and his close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich. The scans and photos are provided (in the article) to supply conclusive evidence that the words attributed to Holdren are unaltered and accurately transcribed.
Was Mr. Obama aware of Holdren’s radical views? Did Obama select Holdren because of his radical views?
Sorry, kids. A vacation-crushing theory on how to improve student performance is gaining traction: more time in class. Longer days, longer year. Goodbye, summer.
This strategy supported by Barack Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan with cities and states experimenting with various approaches.
Cincinnati, Ohio, for example, in June started giving students in the city's 13 most persistently failing public schools the option of an extra month (a "fifth quarter") of classes. And Ohio Governor Ted Strickland hopes to phase in a similar 20-day extension at all schools statewide.
More of the story here.
The 22-year-old driver thought she was moving in reverse, but actually went forward and crashed into the home. No one was home and neither the driver nor a passenger was injured.
Both the home and vehicle suffered moderate damage and no citations were immediately issued.
Oscar Mayer spokeswoman Sydney Lindner apologized for any inconvenience to the homeowner and said insurance would cover the damage. The company has six Wienermobiles nationwide, she said.
"We expect to be back on the hot dog highways spreading miles of smiles in no time," she said.
The number of people searching for the term “economic depression” on Google is down to normal levels, Summers said.
Searches for the term were up four-fold when the recession deepened in the earlier part of the year, and the recent shift goes to show consumer confidence is higher, Summers told the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
Actually, the main reason hits for "economic depression" are down is because people have found out what they needed to know. No need to go back and do another search once they get the info they need.
The Summers statement is so shallow -- well, OK -- moronic, that even the least informed citizen would have to shake their head and say, “duh?”
The White House is being forced to acknowledge the wide gap between its once-upbeat predictions about the economy and today's bleak landscape.
The administration's annual midsummer budget update is sure to show higher deficits and unemployment and slower growth than projected in President Barack Obama's budget in February and update in May, and that could complicate his efforts to get his signature health care and global-warming proposals through.
Paid AFCO Technologies $1,444,100 to repair a door in building 5112 at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas. Link
Paid C & C Electrical Contractor, Inc. $541,119 to install a traffic signal at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. Link
By day, Patti Marcotte is a working mom -- dealing with the balancing act created by a 5-year-old daughter, a demanding job, a split-level house and a willful boxer puppy.
Come the post-dinner hour, however, Marcotte begins operating in the shadowy world of smuggled soap.
It’s Spokane County Washington’s dirty little secret -- contraband smuggling housewives.
Spokane County adopted a near total ban on sales of water-softening phosphates in dishwasher detergent -- the first in the nation -- in an attempt to slow the flood of pollutants that is sucking oxygen out of the endangered Spokane River, smothering its fish.
The problem, Marcotte and many of her neighbors say, is that most low-phosphate detergents are wimps when it comes to fighting greasy pots and spaghetti-crusted plates.
This has turned Marcotte and some of her neighbors into detergent outlaws, driving 45 minutes across the Idaho state line to pick up secret stashes of the old, bad dish cleanser: the brutish, outlawed Cascade.
Surely they have changed this law in Spokane County Washington by now. If not, County residents are probably breaking the law if the dishwashing soap they use actually gets their dishes clean.
It’s just a matter of time before pictures of Cascade boxes covered with big red X’s show up on TreeHugger’s website.
Three weeks after the King of Pop's death, other media outlets have largely moved on, while the CNN host has devoted much of his programming to Jackson. Even guest Mark Geragos seems exasperated.
The King of Talk can't stop blathering about the King of Pop. It's been building for three weeks now, getting more and more absurd.
Night after night, the CNN host tosses out sentence-fragment questions ("Brain not returned to the family . . . right, Carlos?") that seem like they should have been written for Jimmy Kimmel.
Night after night, the "experts" lob back speculation, piled on theory, heaped on postulation.
It has been three weeks since Michael Jackson’s death and the media has mostly gone silent on the subject - with two notable exceptions: the checkout counter gossip pulps such as National Enquirer and Larry King (pictured) on CNN.
From the article:
The gravel-voiced, ever-game host acknowledged in one of his occasional moments of clarity this week: "We don't know any facts yet. . . . All of these are assumptions."
That was just before King's panel of judges and lawyers launched into yet another round of speculation, King urging: "What do we know? What do we know now?"
Is King that desperate for material? Is King’s Jackson adulation that strong? Is Larry King getting a bit senile? Maybe the answer is all of the above.
One B-24 Liberator crew member said the noise level inside the plane during takeoff was so high “you couldn’t hear someone yelling even if he was right next to you!”
I took the cockpit photos this year. The other photos were taken when these planes were here two years ago. We hope they return again year.
Guidelines state that patients should receive treatment within three months of the first symptoms appearing.
But the average wait is nine months - and GPs are not trained well enough to know what help to offer.
It will be no different in the United States with ObamaCare.
We will have fewer young people entering medical school after ObamaCare has been fully implemented. Few will be inclined to incur several hundred thousand dollars in student loans only to have the federal government look over their shoulder telling them what they can and can’t do for ailing patients.
The GPs (general medical practitioners) are not trained well enough to know what help to offer - mentioned in the DailyMail article above - will be commonplace.
If we follow the British socialized medicine example, there will be a few expertly staffed private medical clinics but only the rich will be able to afford them.
It’s not only arthritis sufferers who wait for months for treatment in the UK.
Cancer survival rates in Britain are among the lowest (worst) in Europe because of delayed medical care and the general inefficiency of NHS (National Health Services) as reported at the second link below.
Link here and here.
Dr. Walter Meier, a cryosphere scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colo., admits he can’t prove that the link is cause-and-effect.
He is like so many other scientists who expect us to believe their global warming claims when they can’t back up the science.
It’s a lot like the Dan Rather logic: fake but accurate.
When possible, we like to back up what we blog about with links to more detail on the internet.
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