Jul 6, 2007
Prince William and Kate romance is on again
Prince William has persuaded his long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton to get back together again 12 weeks after the couple split.
Rumors that the couple, who met at university and at one stage were said to be on the verge of marriage, had decided to rekindle their relationship have been rife since she appeared on Sunday at a concert in honor of William's late mother Diana.William has persuaded Kate the problems of dating a future king are a price worth paying.
Why do I bother with this story?
First of all, there is a category on this blog titled: British Royal Soap Opera that needs a little activity now and then.
Second of all, William is more interesting to write about. His brother Harry seems to be a bit of a brash brat. Prince Charles is a bore most of the time and a bit obnoxious when he is trying to sound like an intellectual.
Jul 5, 2007
Fat fight fails in public schools
The federal government will spend more than $1 billion this year on nutrition education—fresh carrot and celery snacks, videos of dancing fruit, hundreds of hours of lively lessons about how great you will feel if you eat well.
But an Associated Press review of scientific studies examining 57 such programs found mostly failure. Just four showed any real success in changing the way kids eat—or any promise as weapons against the growing epidemic of childhood obesity.
"Any person looking at the published literature about these programs would have to conclude that they are generally not working," said Dr. Tom Baranowski, a pediatrics professor at Houston's Baylor College of Medicine who studies behavioral nutrition.
It’s difficult for any school program to convince kids to trade in their potato chips and fires for carrot and celery sticks when unhealthy “comfort foods” are readily available at home or the nearest McDonald’s.
Jul 4, 2007
Bluegrass and Western Swing bands in Ft. Collins
Jul 1, 2007
Fairness Doctrine: down in flames 305-115
The measure failed by a 305-115 vote in the House. It probably would have been defeated in the Senate as well in spite of staunch support by Hillary, Kerry, Durban, Feinstein and others.
In a nutshell, the Fairness Doctrine would force radio and television outlets that broadcast “controversial” programming to devote equal time to opposing viewpoints.
The idea behind re-launching the Fairness Doctrine is a thinly veiled effort on the part of the nation’s liberals to shut down conservative political talk radio.
Commercial liberal talk radio has failed. Air America, the flagship of liberal talk radio movement, is a testament to that.
The only liberal talk radio left is (NPR) which is taxpayer funded. National Public Radio (NPR) is funded by taxpayers and is made up of Liberal talk hosts such as the unabashedly liberal Juan Williams (pictured).
Since NPR is taxpayer funded it should provide equal airtime to conservative political programs. It does not.
What about the Fairness Doctrine and the Constitution? Should we kill free speech in the name of fairness?
The Constitution protects free speech, not equal speech.
Congress is to make no law abridging the freedom of speech whether we like the speech or not.
It's simple; speech is to be free even if it is not fair. Fair is too subjective a word. Our founding fathers guaranteed us free speech, not fair speech, and there is a big difference
If they ever want to bring the Fairness Doctrine back, they should apply it to TV and radio that is taxpayer funded.
For every Juan Williams hour on NPR there should be a Sean Hannity (lower picture) hour etc.
An equal number of hours for conservative radio as for liberal radio.
Rather than having the government regulate what people can say, we should let the market decide what people want to hear. That’s precisely why the Fairness Doctrine was abandoned, and that’s why it ought not to be revived.