In the 1970’s the planet was in a cooling cycle. That’s when many people tried to alarm us that we were going into another ice age.

Now we are in a warming cycle just as our planet has done many times before. It’s just that this time Al Gore has found a way to make money with ‘carbon credits’ and become famous at the same time by scaring the bejabbers out of us.
There is an article at the link below titled:
'Polar bears on the brink? Don't you believe it.'The article is about filming polar bears near Churchill, the so-called Polar Bear Capital of the world, located on the banks of Hudson Bay in Manitoba, Canada.
Now it’s not only polar bear watchers who come flocking to Churchill.
With the clamor over global warming, it has become a magnet for an army of environmentalists and climatologists who have given Churchill an air of impending doom.
The Arctic ice-cap is shrinking fast, is their message, and as it disappears, so too will the polar bears.
Today, the polar bear population may hover healthily around 25,000 (they live in Russia, Alaska, Greenland, Norway and Canada).
Yet, we are repeatedly warned, if the planet continues to overheat at the present rate, within four decades our biggest carnivore will be extinct, starved to death as its natural hunting grounds disappear.
"Come up and see them while you still can," is the gist of their depressing refrain.
The photo below is that now-famous photograph of polar bears appearing to be stranded on an Arctic ice-flow, melting faster than ice-cream on a muggy day.
(click on picture to enlarge)For a while, this picture became a powerful symbol of the perils of global warming - until it was revealed to have been taken three years ago and during the height of summer!