Remember the 2004 gubernatorial election in the state of Washington? That’s when Christine Gregoire was declared the winner after three recounts. She was behind in the first two recounts until additional ballots were mysteriously discovered in King County.
Al Franken has followed the same path in his Minnesota Senate race against Norm Coleman. After recounts that even produced ballots mysteriously found in the trunk of an election workers car. In on county there were more votes for Franken than registered voters in on the county.
Mr. Franken has managed to pull a “Gregoire” in Minnesota.
As Joseph Stalin once said - elections are not decided by the people who cast the ballots - elections are decided by the people who count the ballots.
One blogger suggested it may be appropriate for Al Franken to publicly thank ACORN for his win.
We reported on the Al Franken saga four times in the past. Two of those reports can be found here and here.
More on the Franken win here and here.