Jan 6, 2009

BIG government planned with 600,000 new employees!

We have all heard about the Democrat philosophy of tax and spend and big government. Looks like we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The president-elect (pictured) says he wants to "create three million new jobs" -- this is a change from a few weeks ago, when he said he wanted the plan to create OR SAVE two million jobs.

He says the "No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”

If you do the math: 20 percent of three million means 600,000 new government employees.

Obama has a name for his new plan -- the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan."

His dream is to be another FDR. Let’s hope he doesn’t bankrupt the country in the process!
