Jan 18, 2010

Brown poll numbers increasing in MA

Poll numbers keep rising for Republican Scott Brown in the race for the Senate seat occupied by Ted Kennedy.

Barack Obama went to Massachusetts on Sunday to help Democrat Martha Coakley but did it help?

Last November, Obama went to New Jersey to help get Democrat Jon Corzine re-elected as Governor of New Jersey. It didn’t work.

Corzine lost to a Republican in a state that voted for Obama one year before.

Next, Obama went to Virginia to help get Democrat Creigh Deeds elected.

Deeds lost to a Republican in a state that voted for Obama one year before.

If Martha Coakley loses tomorrow, it will tell other Democrat politicians that campaign help from Barack Obama will be the ‘kiss of death’ rather than help.

Current poll story here and here.

The November New Jersey and Virginia election story here.