Zogby is right when he says no one knows Barack Obama. As long as the media shields him by keeping quiet about his background, no one will know him on election day.
He has not authored legislation in Illinois or in Washington. However, he has written two books - both autobiographies (what kind of person writes two autobiographies before the age 47?).
When it comes down to the proverbial nitty-gritty, how many voters will turn their backs on the mostly unknown Barack Hussein Obama and pull the lever for the “old shoe” that everyone knows.
Joe Biden won’t be able to save Obama even in a tight race. Who cares about Biden outside of Pennsylvania and Delaware?
And then there is the Sarah Palin effect. The more the media tries to trash her, the more people will rally around her and the McCain - Palin ticket.
Landslide? Who knows, maybe Zogby is right.