Arlen Specter is shown on left and Joe Sestak on right in the photo above.
Can a career politician make a smooth transition from a McCain/Palin supporter to a left-wing liberal in just one year without anybody noticing? Apparently the answer is "no."
Arlen Specter started out as a Democrat, spent 43 years as a Republican and then abruptly switched parties last year in a naked bid to save his political career.
Specter, the Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-Democrat is obviously more of an opportunist than a politician with any real party loyalty.
Switching parties is not as simple as checking a new box on a voter-registration card.
Not helping his cause was a slip-up Tuesday night at the Allegheny County Democratic Committee’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner when Specter ended a speech by thanking the Allegheny County Republicans for their endorsement.
Has Specter changed political parties so often he can’t keep them straight?