Nov 4, 2008

CNN caller: where in your report on Black Panther voter intimidation?

A viewer saw the report on Fox News showing a video of two man dressed in Black Panther garb (pictured) intimidating voters at a polling place in Philadelphia.

One of the men had a ‘billy club’ that he used to slap his palm in an intimidating manner.

The viewer called the CNN Helpline and asked why news of the Black Panther intimidation was not reported on CNN.

According to the caller he was going to vote for Obama until a friend told him about this incident. The caller said, "Now Fox has broadcast this, and I want to know why CNN has not broadcast this yet."

CNN is the network we used to refer to as the “Clinton News Network” all during the 1990’s. Now, however, CNN has turned its back on the Clinton’s and has been a huge supporter of Barack Obama.

CNN would be loathe to air anything that would put a cloud over the Obama campaign.

Link to the CNN caller story here. A video of the voter intimidating Black Panthers is here.