Apr 23, 2008

About that last Clinton - Obama debate

Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to take an objective look at that last debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

It was the first debate between Democratic candidates in recent memory that included tough questions.

The reaction by Democrats was swift and brutal as they showed their outrage toward the moderators (pictured below).

Charlie Gibson is a liberal news anchor for a liberal television network and George Stephanopoulos was once a Clinton insider. How dare they ask tough questions? Tough questions should be reserved for Republican candidates.

Typical of the liberal outrage came from The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Daily News and The Washington Post -- liberal newspapers all:

The Boston Globe called it “A tawdry affair!” link.

The Philadelphia Daily News said it was “A televised train wreck!” link.

The Washington Post described it as “Shoddy, despicable!” link.

There was no such outrage in the liberal media when MSNBC liberal hack Chris Matthews asked totally immaterial and inappropriate questions during a Republican debate.