At the link below McCain writes about what he found when he returned home from Vietnam:
LinkWe came home to a country that had lost a war and the best sense of itself; a country beset by social and economic problems.
Assassinations, riots, scandals and contempt for political, religious and educational institutions gave the appearance that we had become a dysfunctional society.
Patriotism was sneered at. The military scorned. The great, robust, confident republic seemed exhausted.
Ronald Reagan believed differently.
He possessed an unshakable faith in America's greatness, past and future, that proved more durable than the prevailing political sentiments of the time.
We were a good country before Vietnam, and we are a good country after Vietnam. In all of history, you cannot find a better one. Of that, Ronald Reagan was supremely confident, and he became president to prove it.
He possessed an unshakable faith in America's greatness, past and future, that proved more durable than the prevailing political sentiments of the time.
We were a good country before Vietnam, and we are a good country after Vietnam. In all of history, you cannot find a better one. Of that, Ronald Reagan was supremely confident, and he became president to prove it.
Let us honor his memory by holding his faith as our own, and let us, too, tear down walls to freedom. That is what Americans do when they believe in themselves.