Pat Caddell is a former Jimmy Carter speech writer who loves America. He still holds out hope that Washington Democrats can also go back to loving America. Caddell may have a long wait because this is not your father's Democrat party.
From the Caddell - Schoen article:
President Obama's post-partisan America has disappeared, replaced by the politics of polarization, resentment and division.
As Election Day approaches, the president and others in the Democratic leadership have focused on campaign finance by moneyed interests - an ancillary issue serving neither party nor country.
They have intensified attacks on business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and individual political operatives such as Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie - insisting that organizations are fronting for foreign campaign money and large secret donations and campaign expenditures.
Even the New York Times has noted that "a closer examination shows that there is little evidence" that these organizations have engaged in activities that are "improper or even unusual."
Caddell and Schoen go on to say they are astounded to hear such charges from Obama after his presidential campaign in 2008 refused to disclose the names of all of its donors, and in past election cycles many liberal groups, such as the Sierra Club and the Center for American Progress, refused to disclose their contributors.
The president is the leader of our society. That office is supposed to be a unifying force. When a president opts for polarization, it is not only bad politics, but it also diminishes the prestige of his office and damages our social consensus.
Moreover, the divisive rhetoric that Obama has pursued can embolden his supporters and critics to take more extreme actions, worsening the spiral.
Look for many more articles by frustrated Democrats who will also be critical of Mr. Obama after the election on Tuesday.