Jul 5, 2010

Still blaming Bush could boomerang

From a CNN report at the link below:

When signs of a severe economic downfall emerged more than two years ago, then-candidate Barack Obama was quick to point a finger at the man he hoped to replace.

More than sixteen months into his administration the message is still the same -- blame Bush.

Obama repeated that message when talking about the still-sputtering economy, twice reminding those at a town-hall meeting in Wisconsin that he "inherited" the economic mess.

It's a familiar message from his days on the campaign trail when criticisms of President Bush were as common as policy proposals.

"Nothing makes a president look weaker than pointing the finger at past administrations," said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.

"By blaming somebody, it looks like you are playing politics and people just want jobs. They don't care about whose fault it is.

Playing the blame game only boomerangs on yourself."
