The H1N1 swine flu came and mostly went and seasonal flu has barely come at all in the U.S., the Wall Street Journal said in a survey of the flu front.

Were members of the media more concerned about our health or about the ‘health’ of the healthcare bill in congress?
The longer swine flu stayed in the headlines, the easier it should have been to pass the bloated 2,000+ page healthcare bill.
From the Wall Street Journal article at the link below:
It’s a puzzle why there isn’t more swine flu around, given how many people haven’t been infected or vaccinated, according to the experts.
The lack of punch from seasonal flu is also a mystery.
There is a high possibility the swine flu scare was mostly hype created by the media. Otherwise why were so many doctors trying to downplay the flu severity all last fall?
It was the flu pandemic that wasn’t. It was the flu season that fizzled.