The wallpaper above has the HP logo in center-right. The computer, however, is a Toshiba laptop but I didn’t like the wallpaper supplied by Toshiba. I guess this proves I’m an incurable tinkerer.

This wallpaper, on an HP desktop computer, was changed to show a pencil drawing I made as a teenager.
The drawing was made on newsprint, which has turned a bit dark over time.
In both illustrations the Windows Vista “bubbles” screensaver is in use. It looks really cool and is fun to watch but it can’t possibly “save” a screen.
Screensavers were originally designed to prevent burn-in when the old monochrome or RGB (red green blue) monitors were left on for hours at a time.
In the 1980’s it was fairly common to see a monitor with something permanently burned onto the screen. It was usually the main menu of a DOS program that was left on for hours at a time.