Circuit City, Sharper Image, Pontiac, Steve & Barry's, Bennigans, Linens 'n Things, Polaroid Instant Film, DHL.
This is not necessarily a “loved and lost” list. Rather, it is a list of businesses who broke the two most important rules of business:
Rule #1. Good customer service is top priority!
Rule #2. Never forget Rule #1.
With the demise of DHL, there will be fewer American dollars flowing out of our country to Bonn, German the home of Deutsche Post (owner of DHL).
We are not sure why the article listed Pontiac in with the other 7 companies. Pontiac is not a separate company - it is one of the GM brands - and was as good as any of the others in the GM family of motor vehicles.
We also wonder how long it will be before T.G.I. Friday’s becomes part of the list joining the Bennigans restaurant chain.