May 31, 2009

Britain fumes as France snubs the Queen

France and England have been involved in many notable battles.

They went through the 100 Years' War, the Seven Years' War. And then came the Napoleonic Wars from 1799 to 1815.

The current battle may be no more than a hissy fit but the Queen of England (upper photo) ain’t happy!

British media reporters are even less happy!

France did not invite Queen Elizabeth II to attend June 6 ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings -- and Britain's press is in a snit.

'Nicolas Sarkozy (lower photo) in D-Day Snub to Queen,' says a headline in The Sun. 'Palace in Fury as Sarkozy Refuses to Invite Royals to 65 Anniversary,' proclaims another, in the Daily Mail.

The D-Day landings on June 6, 1944, marked the start of the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe.

Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has invited U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to attend the anniversary ceremonies.

It may be the last time that large numbers of World War II veterans travel to France to mark the event.

Queen Elizabeth II was left out - no invitation.

The irony is that the Queen of England is the only Royal or head of state still living that was directly involved in World War II.

As a teenager, the then Princess Elizabeth, drove an army truck part-time pto assist the ‘home front’ and rode out the blitz at night in a bomb shelter under Buckingham Palace. It seems unconscionable that she has been left out of the ceremony.
