Feb 2, 2009

Employee free choice act is gift to labor unions

The Employee Free Choice Act is a grossly mislabeled law that will be a gift to labor unions by the Obama administration.

Using words like “bipartisanship” and “compromise,” Obama will attempt to pass controversial legislation that will increase control over the U.S. workforce by labor unions.

The Employee Free Choice Act is one of the Democrats’ top priority legislative items to go after as soon as the economic stimulus bill is completed.

The bill, largely recognized as a “payback” to Big Labor for their work electing Democrats during the past two election cycles, would give labor a leg-up over employers by wiping out requirements for a secret ballot election to organize workplaces in favor of a public signature (called “card-check”).

When trying to organize a non-union business, union organizers could demand that all employees sign a card to check whether they want to join a union or not.

These cards would be signed in front of union organizers rather than in private. It would not be a secret ballot and many employees could be intimidated into voting for the union whether they wanted to or not.

The legislation, however, has a second component just as destructive to the private sector as elimination of secret ballots.

The bill would also require mandatory, binding arbitration by a federally-appointed official in case of failed agreements and dramatically increase penalties for labor law violations.

The article at the link below has more details.

It is Obama’s way of rewarding labor unions for helping to elect Democrats who are always pro-union.
