Jan 25, 2009

Gov Paterson: underwhelmed with Caroline Kennedy from the start

It was said that New York Governor Dave Paterson (upper picture) was adamant that Caroline Kennedy (lower picture) was never going to be appointed to the Senate seat occupied by Hillary Clinton, even though she was considered the front-runner.

Gov. Paterson was completely underwhelmed with Caroline Kennedy from their first conversation about Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, a source close to the governor said.

Paterson's thinking has become clearer in the two days since Kennedy withdrew her name for the Senate seat that Friday went to upstate Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand

Paterson was turned off when Kennedy first called him and asked if she "could" be considered for the seat.

By asking if she could, rather than saying she wanted to be considered, Paterson immediately felt she wasn't really interested, the source said.

She had no firmly held views and little idea about why she wanted the job, the source said.

This reinforces the opinion held by some that Caroline just thought she might like to have a Senate seat to play with.

In meetings, the governor and his aides decided she had no political depth, the source said.
