“Looks like there's a crack in Joe the Plumber's story,” Democratic activist Bob Mulholland told the San Francisco Chronicle in a story that topped their Web site.
“Joe the Plumber's story sprang a few leaks,” The Associated Press reported.
But does it really matter?
No, Samuel “Joe” Wurzelbacher doesn't have a plumbing license, but his employer does. His back taxes total less than $1,200. Not exactly Wesley Snipes.
But, didn’t Joe the plumber skip school a couple of times in the third grade? How did they miss that?
What outraged the Obama campaign was that Joe the plumber exposed the socialism in Obama’s agenda.
Obama would raise Joe’s taxes in order to “spread the wealth” to people with little or no income.
Joe made $40,000 in 2006, nothing near the $250,000 he hopes to make by one day after buying his boss' company and possibly becoming susceptible to Obama's proposed tax increases.
After Joe the plumber buys the plumbing business and has a few employees, he will most certainly be taxed at a higher rate under the Obama plan.
There are many of thousands of small businesses that require several employees and a lot of equipment and inventory to be successful. If those business owners expect to stay in business, they need more than $250,000 net each year or it isn’t worth the risk.
Socialists don’t understand it.
As a retired tax accountant, I understand it.
Joe the plumber understands it, and now the entire nation understands it.