The report claimed that paramedics had been called after Jobs suffered "severe chest pains and shortness of breath" but was quickly pulled from the site when word spread that it was false.
CNN's iReport boasts “Unedited. Unfiltered. News.” This time the iReport came under criticism because the Steve Jobs heart-attack report caused a drop in the price of Apple stock.
The report marked the second time in two months that Jobs, whose health has been the subject of much speculation in recent months, has been prematurely pronounced dead.
In late August Bloomberg News mistakenly published its prepared obituary for the tech leader before quickly retracting it.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating the motives of the unnamed 18-year old who posted the heart-attack report.
So far they have not found any trading records that show the 18-year-old benefited from the more than 5% drop suffered by Apple's stock on Oct. 3.