She has faced criticism in the past for not treating candidates of both major parties the same.
Now it is learned that she has a vested interest in a Barack Obama - Joe Biden win at the polls in November.
She wrote a book titled: The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. This pro-Obama book will be released for sale in January. If Obama becomes president, her book sales will increase dramatically giving her a vested interest in an Obama - Biden win in November.
Should she withdraw as debate moderator? Yes.
Will she withdraw as debate moderator? No.
Gwen Ifill broke her ankle Monday night falling down the stairs in her home while carrying "research related to her moderating duties at Thursday's Vice Presidential debate in St. Louis."
According to TV Newser, despite the injury, Ms. Ifill will still moderate Thursday's debate.
Odd coincidence: When Sarah Palin was in high school she prevailed in a pivotal basketball game despite having to play on a broken ankle.