Oct 18, 2008

Are you a communifaker?

Have you ever taken out your phone and pretended to make a call when you see somebody you want to avoid speaking with? If not, you are in the minority.

According to new research … the deceit is particularly used -- or abused -- by younger people. It found that 74 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 admit to communifaking.

It is widespread among the general population with 42 percent of women and 32 percent of men conceding they fake phone calls.

The most common reason, the study says, is that it's something to do while waiting for friends. But using the phone to avoid speaking with someone is the second most popular reason for some more merciless communifakers.

I admit to using my phone to find my location using Verizon’s satellite navigator feature. It’s fun to zoom in and out on a map of my location just to kill time while waiting for an appointment. Proves I am easily amused. Besides, it’s more interesting than perusing stale news in a 4-month-old issue of Time Magazine.

I have not been guilty of communifaking. Well, not yet anyway.
