Jun 7, 2008

Vandals get classroom penance for trashing Robert Frost home

Last December, a 17-year-old former Middlebury College employee decided to hold a party and gave a friend $100 to buy beer. Word spread. Up to 50 people descended on a farm in Ripton near Middlebury, Vermont.

The revelry turned destructive after a chair broke and someone threw it into the fireplace.

When it was over, windows, antique furniture and china had been broken, fire extinguishers discharged, and carpeting soiled with vomit and urine. Empty beer cans and drug paraphernalia were left behind. The damage was put at $10,600.

Twenty-eight people — all but two of them teenagers — were charged, mostly with trespassing.

The farmhouse that was trashed was on the Homer Noble Farm where
Robert Frost spent more than 20 summers before his death in 1963.

Call it poetic justice, as the story went from “bad to verse” as Middlebury College decreed that the participants take classes in the poetry of Robert Frost as part of their punishment.
