Jun 3, 2008

Number of uninsured US young adults grows

Young adults represent a major portion of the American population without health coverage.

Based on census data, 13.7 million people aged 19 to 29 had no health insurance, either public or private, in 2006, up from 13.3 million in 2005, according to a report by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that researches health policy.

Men and women in this age group accounted for 17 percent of the under-65 U.S. population, but made up almost 30 percent of the uninsured, according the study released Friday.

"If you ask young adults, as we do in our survey, if you've ever had problems accessing health care because of cost -- not filling a prescription, not seeing a specialist -- two thirds of uninsured young adults say yes," Collins said.
Hispanic and black young adults were at greater risk of being uninsured than whites, the report showed.

While 23 percent of whites ages 19 to 29 lacked insurance, the figure was 36 percent of blacks and 53 percent of Hispanics.

Taxes paid by white middle class America already pays for much of the welfare payments paid to blacks and Hispanics.

Now the burden will be even greater as the percentage of blacks and Hispanics without health insurance continues to grow.

Link to the uninsured young adult story here.