A little background on the Senate seat Franken will attempt to win:
This is the seat held by the late Senator Paul Wellstone, a staunchly liberal Democrat. The seat is now held by Senator Norm Coleman a moderate Republican.
Norm Coleman’s successful election in a liberal district may have been aided by the disgraceful manner in which liberal politicians and political activists behaved at Paul Wellstone’s funeral (Wellstone was killed in an airplane accident in 2002). They turned the Wellstone memorial into a boisterous political rally.
However, it may take more than Al Franken to win back the seat for the Democrats even in a liberal district.
Al Franken, talk show host on the failing liberal Air America radio network, has a lot of negative baggage to carry into his Senate campaign.
First of all, how can he expect voters to see the author of a book called, “Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.” as a serious politician? The lower picture shows Al Franken dressed as a baby wearing a diaper. Would you vote for this man to represent you in the U.S. Senate?
Franken has a personality trait that he may not be able to hide during a spirited political debate -- his red-hot temper. He is liable to go off into a tirade during a political debate.
Franken may win in spite of his negative attributes, however. After all, Minnesota is the state that put former pro wrestler Jesse Ventura in the Governor’s mansion in 1999.