Dec 10, 2009

Two Academy members say take back Al Gore's Oscar

In light of Climategate, two Hollywood conservatives, Roger Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, have asked the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to rescind the prestigious, profitable gold Oscar statuette that it gave Al Gore two years ago for the environmental movie "An Inconvenient Truth."

The photo shows Roger Simon on left and Lionel Chetwynd on right.

In 2007, Hollywood's Academy sanctified Gore's cinematic message of global warming with its famous statue, enriched his earnings by $100,000 per 85-minute appearance and helped elevate the Tennesseean's profile to win the Nobel Peace Prize despite losing the election battle of 2000 to a Texan and living in a large house with lots of energy-driven appliances.

This was prompted by the leak two weeks ago of a blizzard of British academic e-mails purporting to show that scientists at the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit systematically falsified data to document the appearance of global warming in recent years.

This leak comes at an inconvenient time just before next the United Nations' climate change meeting that will cause an immense carbon footprint with thousands of people flying to Denmark to talk about saving the environment.

Is it the publicity surrounding the leaked e-mails the reason Al Gore has cancelled his appearance at the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen?

The demand by Simon and Chetwynd to withdraw the Oscar may not have kept Gore form the climate summit but is certainly an embarrassment to the former Vice President.

The raw database of the leaked e-mails can be found here.

The Simon and Chetwynd Oscar withdrawal demand is here.