Evidently Carter (pictured) did his fact checking Dan Rather style. If it’s written by a liberal it doesn’t need fact checking.
Being president doesn’t give one the prerogative to change the facts to reach a prescribed reality.
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Being president doesn’t give one the prerogative to change the facts to reach a prescribed reality.
Is this just another entry in a Worth 1000 contest for photoshopped photos or did someone finally capture that elusive Square Hare from Delaware?
The cat’s out of the bag: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday let a New York lawmaker in on her not-so-secret plan to run for president.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (pictured) yesterday answered the question on everyone's mind - telling one New York lawmaker flat out: "I'm really going to go for this."
If she waits until her likability factor climbs up off the floor, she will never have a chance to run.
Of course Chris Matthews, Brian Williams, Tim Russert and Diane Sawyer will pander to her so much it will be embarrassing.
But will it be enough to increase her likability factor? Probably not.
There's before The Joke, when the Massachusetts senator appeared to be well on his way toward making a political comeback, laying the groundwork for a White House bid despite losing the 2004 presidential election.
Then there's after The Joke, when even fellow Democrats and former supporters question whether Kerry is still politically viable.
Kerry's quip just before the November 7 midterm elections that those who don't study hard "get stuck in Iraq" not only forced him into isolation in the campaign's final days, it rekindled criticism about his failure to beat a war-plagued president two years ago.
It also highlighted a shallowness to what he and his aides still considered to be widespread public support.
In a surprise twist in the debate over Iraq, Rep. Silvestre Reyes, the soon-to-be chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said he wants to see an increase of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops as part of a stepped up effort to “dismantle the militias.”
The soft-spoken Texas Democrat was an early opponent of the Iraq war and voted against the October 2002 resolution authorizing President Bush to invade that country.
That dovish record got prominently cited last week when Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi chose Reyes as the new head of the intelligence panel.
But in an interview with Newsweek on Tuesday, Reyes pointedly distanced himself from many of his Democratic colleagues who have called for fixed timetables for the withdrawal of U.S. troops.
House Speaker Pelosi probably chose Reyes for that position because of his opposition to the Iraq war and his reputation as a dove.
Now, with his surprise announcement calling more troops, instead of the usual Democratic ‘cut and run’ stance, Pelosi is surely regretting her decision.
Emboldened by a resounding re-election, President Hugo Chávez pledged to shake up Venezuela with a more radical version of socialism and forge a wider front against the United States in Latin America.
Current law prevents him from running again in 2012 but he has said he plans to seek constitutional reforms that would include an end to presidential term limits.
He intends to be “President for life.”
In 1992 Hugo Chávez attempted to overthrow President Carlos Andrés Pérez. Although the coup failed, Chávez was elected president six years later.
In 1998 Chávez campaigned against the "savage capitalism" of the United States.
When there was talk of election fraud prior to the 1998 elections in Venezuela, ex-U.S. President Jimmy Carter volunteered to monitor the election.
In spite of widespread charges of election fraud, Jimmy Carter certified the 1998 election results in Venezuela.
Chávez didn’t need Jimmy Carter this time. He bought his election by giving cash and other benefits to the poor as a part of the anti-business socialism during his first administration.
The 2006 election story is here.
Senator John F. Kerry's election-eve "botched joke" about the war in Iraq -- and the fierce denunciations his comments drew from fellow Democrats -- has led him to reevaluate whether to mount a run for the presidency in 2008 and has led him to delay an announcement about his decision, according to Kerry associates.
Kerry -- who had methodically resurrected his political standing after a tough loss to President Bush in 2004 -- was stunned by the swift, angry reaction to his Oct. 30 statement that underachieving students would end up "stuck in Iraq."
Aides and friends say the senator was particularly stung by the fact that so many Democrats had joined Republicans in rebuking him.
It would be ironic if Kerry’s political career ended the same way his political career began -- by defaming our military in wartime.
And we all thought there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I don't think there is any gold in this pot.
And who can forget that picture, which was probably staged at Reno’s request, of the “capture” of Elian Gonzoles by a trooper in full riot gear?
Once again the liberal media gave her amnesty along with the entire Clinton Administration.
Janet Reno does have an excuse for being a poor Attorney General. She was too busy covering up for the escapades of the molester-in-chief who appointed her.
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