Apr 14, 2009

Speaking of Facebook…

I recently received an e-mail from my son inviting me to see his photos on Facebook.

Like most social networking sites, I will need to sign up as a member and then accept an invitation to be a “friend” of a member.

In a weak moment I joined MySpace two years ago thinking it would be a good way to communicate with family and friends who were members.

There were a lot of relatives and friends there but it wasn’t what I expected and I soon stopped logging on.

It just wasn’t my cup of tea.

I began blogging five years ago and started a blog similar to this four and one-half years ago.

Two way communication is nearly non-existent for bloggers but maybe that’s one of the reasons I prefer to blog. For communicating with family and friends, I prefer to use my 1,000 minute per month (free evenings and weekends) mobile phone or e-mail.

Now, however, I may cave in and do Facebook. Just the last few days I have received invitations to be Facebook “friends” with three grandchildren, five nieces/nephews, a son and daughter-in-law. Oh, yes, a sister wanted me to join several months ago.

Maybe I’ll finally begin doing Facebook next week or so - too many things going right now. Gotta get a recently purchased van ready to take back out to sell at the local wholesale auto auction and then look for another to either fix up and keep or take back out and sell.

Whenever you hear that retired people don’t have anything to do - don’t you believe it!