Computerworld says that new study released by Ohio State University shows that college students who use Facebook spend less time studying and have lower grades than students who don't use the popular social networking site.
Don't count on the Facebook users admitting the problem. The university report noted that 79% of them said that using the social networking site was not interfering with their studies.
"We can't say that use of Facebook leads to lower grades and less studying -- but we did find a relationship there," said Aryn Karpinski, co-author of the study and a doctoral student in education at Ohio State University.
"There's a disconnect between students' claim that Facebook use doesn't impact their studies, and our finding showing they had lower grades and spent less time studying."
And who was more likely to use Facebook? Yup, future systems administrators and CIOs.
The study found that science, technology and business majors most likely to regularly use Facebook.
During the survey students only spoke about Facebook and did not focus on other social networking sites, like Myspace or Twitter.
The Ohio State University study found that 85% of undergraduates use Facebook, while 52% of graduate students had accounts. It also found that Facebook users, who generally studied between one and five hours per week, had GPAs between 3.0 and 3.5, but nonusers, who studied 11 to 15 hours per week, had GPAs between 3.5 and 4.0.
The title of the Computerworld article could just as well be, Students Facebook their way to lower grades.