Sep 14, 2008

PA Inquirer: Don’t cry racism if Obama loses

No matter how incredible it may seem, there will be cries of racism if Barack Obama (pictured) is not elected president in November!

A report in the Philadelphia Inquirer at the link below addresses the inevitable racism accusations if Barack Obama loses the election.

Last month, one of our two major political parties nominated an African American as its candidate for president of the United States.

Historic progress to be celebrated?

Apparently not. A few weeks and polls later, and some are already bemoaning the rampant racism that might keep a black man from ascending to the presidency.

One thing that has been obvious in most situations -- the ‘affirmative action’ candidate, for whatever position, is often unqualified.

Did the Democrats select Barack Obama as the ‘affirmative action’ presidential candidate in 2008? If not were are his real qualifications?

Back to the Inquirer article:

Don't assume racism if people question Obama on the company he keeps: a 20-year membership in a church where anti-American rhetoric was spewed and then sold in the gift shop; boosting his political career from the home of an unrepentant domestic terrorist from the '60s.

Don't assume racism because voters don't think a junior senator with great potential but no major accomplishments is ready to be leader of the Free World and a wartime commander in chief.

Don't assume racism if voters question his military acumen. Yes, a 16-month drawdown of forces looks doable - now. But to get to the point where winning seemed possible, others had to make tough decisions on troop levels and strategy. In the meantime, Obama glibly sang the same tune for years, even when his plan would have meant certain victory for al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Yes, it's a strange country, but Americans have shown they will vote for the person they believe is ready for the job, the one who will best represent their interests, regardless of race.

Don't blame them if Obama loses. Blame his poor judgment and lack of experience.
